Santa’s Got a Brand New Sleigh

In celebration of Santa coming to town for The Lost Abbey / Port Brewing’s Christmas in July, We took Santa out on an LAV, thanks to the US Marine Corp and Toys for Tots. So when you see a couple of amphibious vehicles storming the brewery, don’t be worried, it’s just Santa making a grand entrance.

Santa’s Got A Brand New Sleigh from The Lost Abbey on Vimeo.

The Details:

  • When: Saturday, July 13, 2013; Two sessions – 11am – 3pm & 4pm – 8pm
  • Where: The Lost Abbey/Port Brewing, San Marcos, San Diego County, CA
  • How Much: Whether you’ve been naughty or nice through the first half of the year, as long as you bring an unwrapped toy (valued at $15 or more) you’re in! Did your dog eat your toy along with your homework from 1995? Not a problem, for just $15 at the door you’re set to join us for food, fun, entertainment and photos with Santa all included! (Beers are all regular price)

Christmas in July Celebration 2012

Our annual beer release and party to benefit the Marine Corps’ Toys for Tots Foundation!

Join us for a day of Christmas time festivities, great food and beer to celebrate the release of bourbon barrel-aged Santa’s Little Helper and collect toys and cash to benefit the Marine Corp’s Toys for Tots foundation.

Christmas in July – July 14, 2012 – 11am to 8pm

The Details:

  • When: Saturday, July 14, 2011; 11am to 8pm.
  • Where: The Lost Abbey/Port Brewing, San Marcos, San Diego County, CA
  • How Much: Photos with Santa, food and entertainment are all FREE when you bring a new, unwrapped toy valued at $15. No toy? That’s okay. Give a $15 cash donation to Toys for Tots at the door and you’re in! (Beers are all regular price!)

Events on tap:

Beer releases:

  • 2012 Bourbon Barrel-aged Santa’s Little Helper – 22oz bottles; $15 ea. / 6 bottle limit. Bottle sales begin at 12pm.

Food & Beer:

  • Food – Entrants will receive a ticket good for food at any of the four vendors in our mobile food court
  • On Tap – All of The Lost Abbey & Port Brewing’s full regular tap line-up, plus a few secret specialties (more on those as we approach the event…)


A Visit from St. Nick
Santa Claus loves to visit us while he’s on vacation in San Diego! He’ll be dropping by the brewery from 12pm – 5pm so you can get you, your friends’ and family professionally photographed with him. Santa’s photo schedule will be 12-1, 2-3, 4-5 & 6-7

Toys for Tots toy drive and fundraiser

  • Toy Drive — Bring a new, unwrapped toy valued at $15 or more to benefit Toys for Tots
  • Giving Tree – Make an additional $15 cash donation to Toys for Tots (above & beyond the unwrapped toy) and you get to select a gift from the Christmas Tree. Gifts will include rare bottles, Port Brewing & Lost Abbey gear and tickets to our legendary Barrel Night during San Diego Beer Week.

Christmas in July Video

Yeah, it’s August, but what the heck — it takes a little time to put these things together. Below is a quick video re-cap of the event deftly captured by our in-house director Ryan and hosted by Andy “MetromixSD” Killion.

Thanks to all the others who helped put the video together: editor Ryan Girkins, audio mixer Kyle Thompson, and musicians, the Dolbies. And, of course, all of you who attended and helped make it a great event and fundraiser for the Toys for Tots foundation.

See you all next year!

Christmas in July Celebration & Fundraiser 2011

Our annual party to benefit the Marine Corps’ Toys for Tots Foundation!

Update (July 13, 2011): See below for updated schedule of events.

Christmas in July celebration & fundraiser for Toys for Tots
Christmas in July at The Lost Abbey!

Join us for a day of Christmastime festivities, great food, beer and music to celebrate the release of bourbon barrel-aged Santa’s Little Helper and to collect toys and cash to benefit the Marine Corp’s Toys for Tots foundation. Last year we raised over $10,000 in toys and cash donations — this year we’re trying to beat that!

Events on tap:

Beer releases:

2011 Bourbon Barrel-aged Santa’s Little Helper – 22oz bottles; Release day only: $12 ea . Regularly: $15 ea. ; 4 bottle limit. (Yes, this beer will reach our distribution network in limited quantities.)

Food & Beer:

Food – We’re doing a real Christmas meal! We’ll be serving fresh smoked turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, yams, fresh-baked rolls and dessert

On Tap – All of The Lost Abbey & Port Brewing’s regular 21 tap line-up, plus a few secret specialties (more on those as we approach the event…)


A Visit from St. Nick

Santa - yes this guy, The REAL Santa, will be on-hand for photos

Santa Claus loves to visit us while he’s on vacation in San Diego! He’ll be dropping by the brewery from 12pm – 5pm so you can get you, your friends’ and family professionally photographed with him in the Barrel Room.

Live Webcast
We’ll be doing a live web broadcast — this time from a platform high above the tasting room floor where our intrepid Anchor, Andy Killion, will cover the festivities. If you’re not able to attend, you’ll be able to watch the broadcast from your computer, tablet or smartphone via our brewcam page here*.
* Download the Ustream Smartphone app for Android and iPhone here.

Live Music
Two bands! The Firkins and The Professors

Toys for Tots toy drive and fundraiser

  • Toy Drive — Bring a new, unwrapped toy valued at $15 or more to benefit Toys for Tots
  • Giving Tree – Make an additional $15 cash donation to Toys for Tots (above & beyond the unwrapped toy) and you get to select a gift from the Christmas Tree. Gifts will include rare bottles, Port Brewing & Lost Abbey gear and tickets to our legendary Barrel Night during San Diego Beer Week.

The Details:

  • When: Saturday, July 16, 2011; 12pm to 7pm.
  • Where: The Lost Abbey/Port Brewing, San Marcos, San Diego County, CA
  • How Much: Photos with Santa, music, food and entertainment are all FREE when you bring a a new, unwrapped toy valued at $15. No toy? That’s okay. Give a $15 cash donation to Toys for Tots at the door and you’re in! (Beers are all regular price!)

Schedule of Events:
To ensure that we’re not mobbed all at once and that everyone has a chance to get their photos with Santa, enjoy the food, music and get a ticket for the Giving Tree, we’re breaking the day into two equal sessions with exactly the same stuff in both sessions. The schedule is as follows:

Session 1
(12:00pm – 3:30pm)

  • 12:00 – Doors open; Block 1 of Giving Tree Tickets available. (2 ticket max per person)
  • 12:30 – Santa Arrives for photos
  • 1:00 – Live Music: The Firkins; Food is served!
  • 2:00 – Live Music: The Professors
  • 3:00 – Giving Tree Drawing #1
  • 3:30 – Session 1 ends
Session 2
(3:30pm – 7:00pm)

  • 4:00 – Session 2 starts; Block 2 of Giving Tree Tickets available. (2 ticket max per person)
  • 4:00 – Live Music: The Firkins; Food is served!
  • 5:00 – Live Music: The Professors
  • 5:30 – Santa Departs
  • 6:00 – Giving Tree Drawing #2
  • 7:00 – Session 2 ends

You can also download a printable schedule here: Christmas in July 2011 Schedule (PDF)

Santa Photos from Christmas in July 2010

Ever since we found out that Santa is a big fan of The Lost Abbey (and that he has a vacation condo here in San Diego), we’ve been able to persuade him to turn out in the red suit to take photos with the folks attending our Christmas in July fundraiser and celebration. Of course, Santa demands the best, so we also convince famed-photographer Jon Schulz to step away from the supermodels, rock stars and professional athletes for a day and help us out.

Take a gander below at the photos this year’s visit from St Nick. (Sure, a few of the people haven’t sat with Santa in a while — for some, a long while — but the results are always entertaining.)

Oh, and if your picture appears here, feel free to download it and use it.

[nggallery id=21]

2010 Christmas in July Celebration

Join us at The Lost Abbey for our second annual Christmas in July celebration and fundraiser to benefit the Marine Corps’ Toys for Tots Foundation.
(Click here to get on the Guest List!)

Christmas in July

Events on tap:

Beer releases:

  • 2010 Santa’s Little Helper (Bourbon Barrel-aged) – 22oz bottles; $12 each; 6 bottle limit

Food & Beer:

  • Food – Authentic San Marcos-style BBQ; slow-cooked to perfection
  • On Tap – All of The Lost Abbey & Port Brewing’s regular 21 tap line-up, plus a few secret specialties


  • A Visit from St. Nick – Get your photo with Santa Claus in the Barrel Room
  • Live Music — 1st session: Boneyard, 2nd session: The Professors

Toys for Tots drive and fundraiser

  • Toy Drive — Bring a new, unwrapped toy values at $15 or more to benefit Toys for Tots
  • Get a Gift, give a gift — For every bottle of Gift of the Magi sold ($12 $10) we’ll make a $1 donation to Toys for Tots
  • Giving Tree – Make an additional $15 cash donation to Toys for Tots (above & beyond the unwrapped toy) and you get to select a gift from the Christmas Tree. Here’s a partial list:
    • Cable Car
    • Churchill’s Finest Hour
    • Cuvee de Tomme
    • Red Poppy
    • Sinner’s Blend
    • Yellow Bus
    • Tickets to the Lost Abbey Private Barrel Night

    There are only 100 gifts under the tree per session, so make sure to get yours early!

The Details:

  • When: Saturday, July 24, 2010; Two sessions: 12pm to 3pm and 4pm to 7pm. Beer and bottle release sales begin at 12pm, food and music at 1pm, santa arrives at 2pm.
  • Where: Lost Abbey / Port Brewing Co., San Marcos, San Diego County, CA
  • How Much: Photos with Santa, music, food and entertainment are all FREE! We are, however, asking everyone who attends to bring a new, unwrapped toy valued at $15 or more to donate to Toys for Tots. (Beers are all regular price.)

Christmas in July

Tomme & Santa
Tomme & Santa
Here in San Diego, even when it’s supposed to be Christmas time, it rarely truly feels like Christmas.  In December each year, other parts of the country, throw on their best Christmas sweaters and sing about how the “weather outside is frightful.”  Us, we head for the beach and roast Marshmallows (not Chestnuts) by a bonfire.  Yet, each year we at Port Brewing and The Lost Abbey do our part to support seasonal beers with the production of not one but two Christmas beers- Santa’s Little Helper and Gift of the Magi.

Last August when we produced the 2008 Santa’s Little Helper Imperial Stout, we put a plan in motion to age a portion of the batch in Bourbon Barrels for a Christmas in July promotion that I wanted to do at the brewery.  Last weekend, we had another kick ass event at the brewery (thanks to all of our volunteers who supported us)!  There were great new beers in bottles and on tap (including the first release of Duck Duck Gooze).  Chef Vince of course whipped up some amazing pizzas and The Professors sounded as tight as they could in a brewery environment.  Santa Claus even paid us a visit.  All told, it was a great event for the patrons of Lost Abbey.

But what truly made the event memorable was the overwhelming support that we received for Toys for Tots.  As part of our Christmas in July promotion, we asked attendees to bring one unwrapped toy (valued at $15) in exchange for entrance to the party.   I must say that I was blown away by the generosity of our people and clearly they understand that together we can make a difference.  We raised over $10,000 worth of new toys from this event.  Those who didn’t bring toys were asked for a cash donation and $1,500 was sent to the Toys For Tots Foundation as well.

It gave me goose bumps on Saturday night to stand next to all the great toys that we collected.  It meant an awful lot to me that we were able to take something (like beer with the associated stigmas) and do great work for kids.

Just a few of the bins of toys
Just a few of the bins of donated toys

I know that beer and children can be very taboo in our society but if you look at what we accomplished this weekend, I know this is not always the case.  Personally, this was an incredibly gratifying and rewarding day.  Many children will need help in order to celebrate Christmas this year.  Knowing that our beer brought so many people together for this cause is an exceptional feeling.

So, to everyone who was there on Saturday and gave a little bit to help brighten the Christmas morning of so many children, I say thank you!  Christmas in July has landed here at Port Brewing and The Lost Abbey and will remain on our calendars each year from here on out.

Christmas in July Update #2

The Giving Tree
The Giving Tree

Just a quick note to let you all know that we’ve wrapped the gifts and placed them under the Giving Tree! If you’d like to receive one of them on Saturday, we’re asking that you give a $15 donation, the proceeds of which will go to benefit the Toys for Tots Foundation. (There’s a limit of four donations per person so that more people have an opportunity.)

Here’s a list of what you’ll find under the tree come Saturday afternoon:

  • Brandy Angel’s 08 (750 ml) bottles
  • Bourbon Angel’s 09 (375 ml) bottles
  • Bourbon Angel’s 09 (750 ml) bottles
  • Cuvee de Tomme (375 ml) bottles
  • Cuvee de Tomme (750 ml) bottles
  • Isabelle Proximus (750 ml) bottles
  • Older Viscosity 09 (375 ml) bottles
  • Saints Devotion (750 ml) bottles
  • Veritas 004 (750 ml) bottles

Additionally, there’s also a number of super-special “Golden Ticket” rarities:

  • Angel’s Share 06 (750 ml) bottles
  • Cable Car 08 (750 ml) bottles
  • Cuvee de Tomme 06 (375 ml) bottles
  • Sinner’s 08 Blend (375 ml) bottles

Hope you’ve been good enough to make Santa’s “Nice” list this year.

See you at Christmas in July on Saturday!

Christmas in July Update

We’re pleased to announce that we now have a final schedule of events and full tap and bottle list for next week’s Christmas in July beer release and fundraiser.

The schedule of events is as follows:

  • 12:00pm — Tasting room opens. Bottle Sales; tasters & pint sales begin.
  • 1:00pm — Santa Arrives; Photos with Santa in the Barrel Room.
  • 2:00pm — Food service begins (Chef Vince and his magic pizza trailer).
  • 4:00pm — Photos with Santa end; Giving Tree* gift distribution.
  • 5:00pm — Santa Leaves. Live music by The Professors.
  • 6:30pm — Last Call. Final bottle, taster and pint sales.
  • 7:00pm — Doors close.

* In exchange for a $15 cash donation to Toys for Tots, you will be able to select a gift from the Giving Tree. (Must be 21 or over to receive gift.)

A printable schedule of events and full list of what will be on tap and in bottle (along with pricing) is available for download here:

For more information on the full day’s events and beer releases, please click here.