Update: What’s Special for our 6th Anniversary Party This Weekend

Epic alert: Amazing food, great music, and a tap list that’s the craft beer equivalent of The Avengers.

Click here to get your tickets to the Port / The Lost Abbey 6th Anniversary
We just got the word from the DOBO and our hospitality manager, Kevin Hopkins, on the final arrangements for our Anniversary party this weekend. Needless to say, if you’re not attending, you’re going to miss the event of the weekend. Here’s the updates:

  • Gourmet Food Truck Triumvirate:
    In past years we’ve served up barbeque and pizza courtesy of our in-house pit masters and cousins at Pizza Port. This year, however, we’re cranking it up a notch and inviting in a trio of our favorite gourmet food trucks to literally create an outdoor food court filled with three continents of incredible eats.Food Trucks Include:

    • Casanova Fish Tacos
    • Red Oven Pizza
    • Slow Cal BBQ
  • Epic Tap List:
    Not only will all 26 taps in the tasting room be flowing, but in addition to the regular line-up Port Brewing/The Lost Abbey liquid awesomeness, we’re also loading the line-up with our biggest collection of limited-edition wonders ever. Specialty Taps:

    1. The Angel’s Share – Bourbon Barrel (v. 2011) – 3 tickets/ea
    2. Anniversary Ale (v. 2012)
    3. Deliverance (v. 2012) – 3 tickets/ea
    4. Framboise de Amorosa (v. 2012) – 3 tickets/ea
    5. Hop-15 (spring 2012 release)
    6. Red Poppy (v. 2012) – 3 tickets/ea
    7. Santa’s Little Helper – Bourbon Barrel (v. 2011) – 3 tickets/ea

    And for the first time ever on tap:

    • Inferno Ale
  • Music For The Masses
    Squarefish 1:30pm - 3:00pm

    Silverline 4:30pm - 8:00pm
  • Additional Tickets Now Available
    With a little re-arranging we were able to make additional room for a few more of our friends, so we’ve made more tickets available! So if you tried to get tickets last week, but were told that we were sold out, fear not! We’ve released a new batch of tickets for both sessions. You will want to hurry, though — while we did make more tickets available, it’s not that many more, so we expect them to sell out quickly once again. (» buy tickets here.)

The Details

Port Brewing / The Lost Abbey, 155 Mata Way, Suite 104, San Marcos, CA 92069.

Date / Time(s):

Saturday May 12, 2011-Two sessions

Each guest will receive a commemorative tasting glass, 8 beer tasting tickets and food (additional taster tickets are $1 each).


  • $20 per session
  • Each session limited to 400 people

We’ve sold out completely each year, so make sure to get your tickets early! (It’s unlikely we’ll have any at the door.) 21 and older only please. ID will be required.

Purchase Tickets: (via Brown Paper Tickets)

click here to purchase tickets

Watch the 6th Anniversary Video Promo


Vodcast #12 The Lost Abbey Propaganda

Happy Birthday Port Brewing & The Lost Abbey!

Click here for more info about the Port / The Lost Abbey 6th Anniversary

Port Brewing / The Lost Abbey, 155 Mata Way, Suite 104, San Marcos, CA 92069.

Date / Time(s):

Saturday May 12, 2011-Two sessions



We’ve sold out completely each year, so make sure to get your tickets early! (It’s unlikely we’ll have any at the door.) 21 and older only please. ID will be required.

Click Below to Purchase Tickets (via Brown Paper Tickets)

click here to purchase tickets

Watch Online

Sixth Anniversary Party

Celebrate our 6th birthday with beer, food, music and a few of our closest friends!

Click here to get your tickets to the Port / The Lost Abbey 6th Anniversary

Saturday May 12, 2012
Come party with Port Brewing and The Lost Abbey crew and help us celebrate our 6th Anniversary.

As in previous years we’ll be breaking the party into two four-hour sessions and limiting the number of guests so we’ll all have plenty of elbow room and everyone can relax and enjoy themselves.

Items planned for our day-long festivities include a full tap line-up in the tasting room (including some special kegs from the barrel archives) amazing food from a trio of guest chefs, great music, and, of course, the company of your fellow beer aficionados.

Brews, Food and Entertainment

Brews: Following our anniversary tradition, we’ll be loading our taps with the latest and greatest of our beers, including Anniversary Ale #6, Anniversary — our hoppy, strong pale ale from the Port Brewing side of the house.

DOBO Tomme Arthur will also be delving into the storied Lost Abbey barrel and bottle archives to give guests an opportunity to sample rare brews from the past. (Look for special bottles, and secret taps all day long!)

Food: For those of you who enjoy five star food, this year we’ll have three food trucks on hand in a veritable Gourmet Food Court of artisan pizzas, Baja-style seafood and smoky, delicious barbecue.

The Details

Port Brewing / The Lost Abbey, 155 Mata Way, Suite 104, San Marcos, CA 92069.

Date / Time(s):

Saturday May 12, 2011-Two sessions

  • Session 1 – 11am to 3pm
  • Session 2 – 4pm to 8pm

Each guest will receive a commemorative tasting glass, 8 beer tasting tickets and food (additional taster tickets are $1 each).


  • $20 per session
  • Each session limited to 400 people

We’ve sold out completely each year, so make sure to get your tickets early! (It’s unlikely we’ll have any at the door.) 21 and older only please. ID will be required.

Click Below to Purchase Tickets (via Brown Paper Tickets)

click here to purchase tickets

Carnevale di Lost Abbey Masquerade Party 2012

You are cordially invited to celebrate the end of the Carnevale season with one last evening of celebration at The Lost Abbey’s famed Venetian masquerade ball on February 25, 2012 from 7pm to 11pm.

Among the 20-plus taps of fine Port Brewing and The Lost Abbey beers will be the premiere of the 2012 vintage of our GABF gold medal winning Lenten saison, Carnevale. We’ll also have fine food from Chef Jasón Dänderand and company, and live music courtesy of The Professors.

Beers are regular price, but for those properly attired for the masquerade (costume and mask), the food and entertainment are free. A $10 cash only cover charge applies to those without proper dress. 21 and over only please. Valid ID required.

NOTE: This is a very popular event, and food and space are limited, so it’s best to arrive early rather than late. Mark your calendars now!

What: 5th Annual Carnevale di Lost Abbey Masquerade
When: February 25, 7pm to 11pm
Where: The Lost Abbey, 155 Mata Way, Suite 104, San Marcos, CA 92069

For directions to the brewery or more information, please vist our Contact Page.

Check out these photos from previous Carnevale Masquerades:

Christmas in July Video

Yeah, it’s August, but what the heck — it takes a little time to put these things together. Below is a quick video re-cap of the event deftly captured by our in-house director Ryan and hosted by Andy “MetromixSD” Killion.

Thanks to all the others who helped put the video together: editor Ryan Girkins, audio mixer Kyle Thompson, and musicians, the Dolbies. And, of course, all of you who attended and helped make it a great event and fundraiser for the Toys for Tots foundation.

See you all next year!

2011 Pre-Stone Anniversary Breakfast

Join The Lost Abbey / Port Brewing crew for our annual pre-Stone Brewing Anniversary brunch on August 20, 2011 from 8:30 am to 11:00 am.

Breakfast! Beer! Lost Abbey!

As always, we’ll be frying, griddling, baking and boiling a hearty, 5 star breakfast that should be the start of every great craft beer celebration. The menu includes eggs, potatoes, pancakes and plenty of tasty pork-based meats — all perfect for pairing with our epic tap list of award-winning beers. Best of all, breakfast is free and the beer (a very reasonable) regular price.

Doors open at 8:30am to give you plenty of time to carbo-load before heading up the hill to the Stone party.

Bring your appetite and see you there!

Anniversary Schedule of Events

Attending our Sold Out 5th Anniversary Celebration? Not attending but interested in lurking outside and seeing what’s going on? Well, we’ve ordered up some great weather (partly sunny, mid-60’s) and put together an amazing list of everything in store for the day:

All Day Events

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(tweet it!)

Live Webcast
We’ll be broadcasting live all day! Andy Killion (aka @Metromixsd !) will be covering the entire event live with interviews, chats and fun. If you’re attending, you’re invited to step into the broadcast booth and say hello to everyone. If you’re watching from your computer, tablet or phone, you’re invited to chat with Andy and his guests via our Ustream broadcast channel!

Live broadcast begins at 11am PDT.

Click here to download the phone app and watch the broadcast.

Barrel House Tours
Explore the mysteries of the Lost Abbey barrel archives with Barrel Master & Lead Brewer, Ryan Fields. Ryan will be leading two tours per session. Each tour takes approximately 30 minutes and is limited to 35 people. (Register early to ensure your slot. This fills up quickly!)

Session One Tours: 12pm | 2pm – Session Two Tours: 5pm | 7pm

You must sign up to go on the tour! Registration will be at the entrance to the barrel house.

Live Music
This year we’re pleased to host not one, but two live bands in the brewhouse for your listening pleasure. Session One will be host to the vintage-tinged garage, folk, rock and roll sounds of Kiera and the Lesbians. Session Two will be our favorite lounge lizards, The Professors, and their special brand of surf-styled rock and roll. Music starts at noon.

Food, food, food
Chefs Jason Danderand and Steve Owen will be steaming, smoking, BBQing and frying their way through a whole raft of San Diego-style street foods. Street food not your thing? The magic pizza trailer will also be on hand to cooking up pies fresh and hot! Water and soft drinks will also available courtesy of Dr Pepper.

Food and drinks will be in the outdoor pavilion next to the barrel house.

What’s On Tap

What’s a brewery birthday party without plenty of beer? The brewers have dug deep into the archives to fully stock both bars (the main bar as well as our new barrel room bar) with a huge array of Port Brewing & Lost Abbey beers. All of the following will be on tap at the main bar as well as in the barrel room:

The regulars (1 taster ticket)

    Port Brewing 

  • Anniversary – Hoppy, Strong Pale Ale
  • Hot Rocks – Stein Lager
  • Mongo – Double IPA
  • Old Viscosity – Dark Strong Ale
  • Panzer Pils – Imperial Pilsner
  • Santa’s Little Helper – Imperial Stout
  • Shark Attack – Double Red Ale
  • Wipeout – West Coast IPA
    The Lost Abbey 

  • Avant Garde – Biere de Garde
  • Devotion – Belgian Blond
  • Judgment Day – Belgian Quad with Raisins
  • Red Barn – Saison
  • Saison Blanc – Light Saison with Green Raisins & Pepper
  • Serpent’s Stout – Belgian Sweet Stout
  • Ten Commandments – Belgian Strong Ale

The Specialties (3 taster tickets)

  • Ad Lib (2011)Special Limited Release Blend made with Rye Barrel Serpent’s Stout, Bourbon Midnight Expression and Bourbon Judgment Day. Only 50 five gallon kegs of this are going into distribution, so this may be your one and only chance to try a legendary Lost Abbey one-off blends!
  • Angel’s Share – Brandy Barrel (2011) – Barleywine aged in Brandy Barrels
  • Framboise de Amorosa (2011) – Raspberry Sour Aged in Wine Barrels
  • Red Poppy (2011) – Flanders-style Red with Sour Cherries aged in Wine Barrels
  • Older Viscosity (2011) – Dark Strong Ale Aged in Bourbon Barrels

…Expect other “secret” specialties throughout the day as well! (Watch for the DOBO lurking about.)

Remember, eight taster tickets come with your admission, but additional tickets will also be available for $1 each.


See you there! (And if not, we’ll see you on the web.)

Photos from Carnevale 2011

Here’s the first in several series of photos from our Carnevale Masquerade last Saturday. (If you missed it, you missed a good one. Live music, masks, great beer, two whole pigs stuff with whole chickens stuffed with sausage, potatoes, apples and spices… ah, but we digress. Anyway…)

We’ll have more to post later as we sort through them looking for the best (as well as photos of all our masquerade winners). If you’ve got photos from Carnevale, feel free to send them to us or post them on Facebook and tag us in the photo. We’ll make sure to add them to our gallery!

[nggallery id=14]

T.E.A. Party Update — What we’ll be tasting

Tonight is the “Other” T.E.A. party and our brewers have released the final list of the Traditional Experimental Ales (T.E.A.s) candidates. And what a wide-ranging slate it is. From Plantain and Coconut stouts to Caramel Apple Ales, everyone of these presents a palate pleasing, puckering, and possibly perplexing, party platform that you partisans can get behind. (Or not.)

Here’s the list of T.E.A. Party candidates we’ll be presenting for your consideration tonight:

  1. TEA 1 — Mellow Yellow (French Oak barrel-aged Amigo) with fresh lemon zest and Black Tea
  2. TEA 2 — Avant Garde Farmhouse Ale with Caramel Apple Rooibos Tea
  3. TEA 3 — Mongo Double IPA with Mango Ceylon Black Tea
  4. TEA 4 — Red Barn Saison with Orange Ginger Mint Tea
  5. TEA 5 — Red Barn Saison with Ginger Lemon Grass Green Tea
  6. TEA 6 — Old Viscosity with Green Rooibos Plantain Coconut Tea

It’s up to you to exercise your rights, so get out and vote! Polls open at 6pm in the Lost Abbey tasting room and close promptly at 9pm. Be there and vote for your favorite beer!

More information on the time, place, costs, etc. is on our website here: The Other Tea Party: You Decide

PS: Many thanks to our friends at the Republic of Tea for providing the Teas we’re partying with. Visit them online at www.republicoftea.com

4th Annual Barrel Party Night

Join brewmaster Tomme Arthur as he
once again ventures into the legendary
Lost Abbey barrel archives for an intimate
evening of exploration into the mysteries
of barrel-aged brews.

Limited to 125 guests, in addition to experiencing some of the world’s most coveted beers, attendees will also enjoy hors d’ oeuvres prepared by Lost Abbey chef in residence, Vince Marsaglia, and receive a bottle of our new Veritas release, 008.

The Details

  • What: Lost Abbey Fourth Annual Barrel Night
  • When: Saturday, November 13, 2010 – 7pm to 10pm
  • Where: The Lost Abbey / Port Brewing, San Marcos, San Diego County, CA
  • How Much: $80 per each; $150 for a pair

Tickets must be purchased online. Click here: http://www.lostabbey.com/shop/event-tickets/

Strictly limited to 125 guests. Tickets for last year’s event sold out very quickly, so make sure to purchase tickets early.