4th of July Hours - 11am - 4pm || The Confessional is open until 9:00pm X

2011 Pre-Stone Anniversary Breakfast

Join The Lost Abbey / Port Brewing crew for our annual pre-Stone Brewing Anniversary brunch on August 20, 2011 from 8:30 am to 11:00 am.

Breakfast! Beer! Lost Abbey!

As always, we’ll be frying, griddling, baking and boiling a hearty, 5 star breakfast that should be the start of every great craft beer celebration. The menu includes eggs, potatoes, pancakes and plenty of tasty pork-based meats — all perfect for pairing with our epic tap list of award-winning beers. Best of all, breakfast is free and the beer (a very reasonable) regular price.

Doors open at 8:30am to give you plenty of time to carbo-load before heading up the hill to the Stone party.

Bring your appetite and see you there!

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