4th of July Hours - 11am - 4pm || The Confessional is now closed X
  • The Lost Abbey Propaganda

    Our weekly vodcasts. You can subscribe to our vodcast via iTunes, YouTube, or Vimeo. The one to two minute videos that we’ll release each week will provide some insight to the happenings behind-the-scenes here at Port Brewing/The Lost Abbey.  

  • 3/12 = 15

    Hop 15 returns in a big way in March, 2012 The Hop Heads have spoken! Out of just about 500 votes, nearly 90% of you wanted Hop 15 back. What’s more, most of you aren’t going to stand for this “oh it’s out there, but you can’t get it because it’s so limited.” No, you […]

  • New Jersey Launch

    Every year we aim to get our beer in a new state/territory, and 2012 was no different. At the beginning of January 2012 our beer arrived in New Jersey. Here is a video that documents Tomme, Matt, and Ryan’s three day trip to New Jersey to attend some events and effectively launch our beer in […]

  • Reader Poll: To Hop 15 or Not To Hop 15?

    We have a quandary of sorts. As you may know, we’re supposed to brew and release our epic double IPA, Hop 15, a couple of times a year — August and February. Well it’s almost February now, but we’re doing so well with our other double IPA, Mongo, that’s it a little difficult to justify […]

  • Box Set Track 1 Releases This Saturday

    This Saturday, January 21, 2012 will mark the release of the first track in our ultimate Box Set, kicking off a year-long series of super-limited beer releases inspired by those great anthem rock tunes of our youth. (Feel free to wave your lighters in the air… for you younger kids that’s what we waved at […]

  • And The Winner Is… Sunburned Monk

    Central Californian wins The Lost Abbey’s first Commercial Conclave competition with story of surfing Good Samaritan SAN MARCOS, Calif. — Congratulations to Mario Gutierrez of Selma, California. His concept for a 30 second commercial titled “Sunburned Monk” was named the winner in The Lost Abbey’s first Commercial Conclave Competition. The contest, which ran throughout the […]

  • The Lost Abbey Announces Ultimate “Box Set”

    Craft Brewery will issue a limited edition music-inspired beer each month in 2012, culminating in a collector’s box set SAN MARCOS, Calif. — Get ready to crank the stereo up to 12. In January 2012, The Lost Abbey will begin a year-long series of special edition beer releases inspired by classic rock anthems invoking Heaven […]

  • We’re Coming to New Jersey!

    Well, word is out — beginning in January, Port Brewing and The Lost Abbey will be distributing in New Jersey! Below is the official press release from our new distribution partners for the Garden State, Hunterdon Distributors. (Note: Tomme will be heading East in early January to help celebrate our launch. Keep an eye on […]

  • Photos From Our First Hump Day Happy Hour

    Our first bi-monthly food truck gathering was a success!  Here are some photos of the trucks people that made the event what it was. This week’s trucks included : Mad Maui (Host truck) Gandolfo’s Mobile Deli Operacaffe Express Pierogi Truck Sushi Ninjas Thai 1 On Eats [nggallery id=41] Never forget a Hump Day Happy Hour! […]

  • Hump Day Happy Hour

    We’re celebrating Hump Day with the first Food Truck roundup in North San Diego County! Join us this Wednesday, December 7 from 5pm to 8pm as we kick off a new tradition celebrating making it “over the hump” with great craft beer and a fantastic food truck gathering outside our tasting room. Hosted by our […]
