4th of July Hours - 11am - 4pm || The Confessional is open until 9:00pm X

Tasting Room Restrictions Lifted

Due in no small part we’re sure, to the pleadings and prayers of the Abbey faithful, the temporary restrictions placed upon us have been lifted while we adjust our space in order to please the powers that be.

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To celebrate our restored freedom, please join us this weekend as we welcome all of our friends and family in with a full tap list, food trucks both Saturday and Sunday, Brewery tours on Saturday and perhaps a special tap or two. And, as a very special treat, on Saturday (5/26) at 1:00, we will release a limited amount of bottles of Track 3, a blend of two pale sour beers inspired by AC/DC’s anthem Hell’s Bells. Normal on-premise rules will apply and there will be no lottery ticket associated with this special release. In addition, a similar amount of Track 5, our homage to Motley Crüe’s 1983 hit “Shout at the Devil” will be available and all normal rules (including lottery) will apply.

Extended hours will remain in effect through Monday, Memorial Day and we look forward to celebrating our restored freedom together!


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