4th of July Hours - 11am - 4pm || The Confessional is now closed || The Sanctuary is now closed X
  • “I’ve come to The Lost Abbey seeking Deliverance…

    As we’re not a “real” abbey, we don’t have large stone walls surrounding our monastery. We most certainly do not have a front gate being guarded over by a man of the cloth either. But like most abbeys, we open our doors on a regular basis for those in need. Some have smallish needs (like […]

  • Party Central

    This past weekend we celebrated our 4th Anniversary of doing business as Port Brewing and The Lost Abbey. It was a great party and a welcome change of pace from last year when we turned 3 and celebrated all day with 700 or so of our closest friends. This past weekend, we changed things up […]

  • An early Monday morning

    Woke up this morning at 5:20 to the sound of Sydney rolling around in her bed. As her room shares a common wall with Mommy and Daddy’s room, I’m often awakened by the sound of her rolling into the wall. Apparently, she was on the high seas in her dreams because she kept slamming into […]

  • One day later

    It’s Saturday morning and it’s been one day since I posted about the Health Department ordering us and other local brewers to cease tasting room operations. Unfortunately, I am in Ojai, CA for the Southern California Homebrew Festival and missed the giant outpouring of support at the brewery last night. So a big fat THANK […]

  • I’d like to thank some people

    You know, running a brewery is hard work. Of course it’s made easier by beers at noon when friends stop by for no good reason. Other times at best it’s a jumbled mess of legal, legislative and enforcement woes. This was one such week beset by head spinning agencies and local code enforcements. On Tuesday, […]

  • Back from Chicago has anyone seen my liver

    It’s Monday and I just returned from a week long visit to the Windy City. Stu asked me this morning how my “vacation” went. I suppose that’s what it looks like when the boss is gone for another week. In Chicago I did two promotions, attended the Craft Brewer’s Conference and the World Beer Cup […]

  • I got beer! I got beer! I got busted…

    This line comes to us from that Cinematic blockbuster of a movie that was Revenge of the Nerds II. In an opening scene a few of the young college Nerds head to Florida for Spring Break. One of the youngest members of the group purchases beer with a fake ID only to be busted as […]

  • Northern California or Bust

    When I was a younger brewer in training, my family spent our summer’s vacationing just South of Big Sur California each summer. It was usually August when we would load up my grandparents 5th wheel trailer and head out for a week of beach camping. We also spent time visiting Monterrey and San Francisco. I […]

  • Living life at 222

    It’s Friday and I finally have my desk cleared of all the clutter that piled up in my absence. On Wednesday evening, I returned from another week on the road into Boston and Philadelphia. I must be insane. First of all, I keep booking flights to the east coast during February when everyone is pining […]
