4th of July Hours - 11am - 4pm || The Confessional is now closed X
  • A Directors Journey… or There and Back Again

    Ryan took some time out of his busy schedule of posing in tuxedos to answer a few questions regarding his trip to Cannes.  How was the flight? Flight was horrible! I always check in too late and then get stuck with the middle seat. I pee a lot, so it’s a problem 🙁 What was […]

  • Tasting Room Restrictions Lifted

    Due in no small part we’re sure, to the pleadings and prayers of the Abbey faithful, the temporary restrictions placed upon us have been lifted while we adjust our space in order to please the powers that be. [singlepic id=4707 w=320 h=240 float=right] To celebrate our restored freedom, please join us this weekend as we […]

  • Updates: Tasting Room & Track 5 Release

    Recently, our local Fire Inspector came by as part of their regular visitation process. During their visit, they notified us that we are not able to use the loading ramp as an entrance/exit as we have done for the past six years. That is until we install a new, controlled entrance. As such, they have […]

  • Vodcast #15 The Lost Abbey Propaganda

    At least once a month we collect anywhere form 15 to 30 barrel samples in order to document the barrels’ progress. Devon, who has been tasked with Special Projects, arranges and maintains new and old barrel cooperage. On this particular adventure she took Matt, our Lead Brewer, along with with her.

  • Box Set Track 5 Releases Saturday May 19, 2012

    This Saturday, May 19, 2012 will mark the release of our fifth track in our epic Ultimate Box Set series. Track 5, an homage to Motley Crüe’s over-the-top anthem Shout at the Devil, features a pair of our best fruited sours, Red Poppy and Framboise de Amorosa, bumped with enough additional fruit satisfy anyone’s cherry […]

  • Tasting Room Temporarily Adjusts Hours & Number of Visitors

    As the brewery continues to grow and expand, we remain committed to ensuring that we provide the best customer experience while remaining in-line with regulatory requirements. We have therefore decided to temporarily adjust our Tasting Room times and occupancy while we research further into the best balance for all. Effective today, Monday, 5/14, we will […]

  • Update: What’s Special for our 6th Anniversary Party This Weekend

    Epic alert: Amazing food, great music, and a tap list that’s the craft beer equivalent of The Avengers. We just got the word from the DOBO and our hospitality manager, Kevin Hopkins, on the final arrangements for our Anniversary party this weekend. Needless to say, if you’re not attending, you’re going to miss the event […]

  • Vodcast #14 The Lost Abbey Propaganda

    The Craft Brewers Conference and The World Beer Cup have come and gone; we’re all a little groggy from a very eventful weekend. Time to make beer again. Our first brew of the week is 10 Commandments. Watch Online
