Cuvee de Tomme 2009

Cuvee de Tomme will release this day. This is an annual release of the barrel-aged beer.

Bottles will be available in 375ml and 750ml cork-stoppered bottles with a limit of 12 total bottles (any combination) per customer. The 375ml bottles will be $15, 750ml bottles $30.

Port Brewing & The Lost Abbey Turning Three

Famed brewery to celebrate its anniversary May 9th with food, music and three new beer releases


San Marcos, Calif. — Port Brewing and The Lost Abbey will celebrate its third anniversary on Saturday May 9, 2009 by throwing a party the way only Port / Lost Abbey can.

Items on tap for the daylong festivities include specialty kegs from the Lost Abbey barrel archives, bottled beer releases, food by Port/Lost Abbey’s in-house chef, and live music from special guests, The Professors.

Beer-only sales begin at noon; food, music and entertainment will begin at 3pm.

New Beer Releases
Bottled Beers scheduled for release:

  • Port (3rd) Anniversary (Pale Strong Ale)
  • Cuvee de Tomme (Release delayed)
  • The Angel’s Share (Bourbon) (Release delayed)
  • Update: Special Bottle Releases: Older Viscosity 2008 (375ml bottles / $15) and 2009 Brother Levonian Saison (750ml bottles / $8.99)

Update: Beers on Tap:

The Port Brewing Regulars:

  • Shark Attack Double Red
  • Wipeout IPA
  • Hop 15 Double IPA
  • Old Viscosity American Dark Strong Ale
The Port Brewing Seasonals:

  • Dawn Patrol English Brown
  • Midnight Sessions Black Lager (last keg)
  • Hightide Fresh Hopped IPA (last keg)
  • 3rd Anniversary Pale Strong Ale
  • Hot Rocks Stein Lager (from the bottle)
The Lost Abbey Regulars:

  • Devotion Belgian Blond Ale
  • Red Barn Saison
  • Lost and Found Abbey Style Dubbel
  • Judgment Day Belgian Strong Ale
The Lost Abbey Seasonals:

  • Carnevale Winter Saison (from the bottle)
  • The Serpent’s Stout
  • Witch’s Wit (from the bottle)
The Special Taps:

  • The Angel’s Share – Brandy
  • The Angel’s Share – Bourbon
  • Cuvee de Tomme
  • Phunky Duck
  • 3rd Anniversary – Casked

Brews, Food and Entertainment
As part of the day’s events, in what is now an anniversary tradition, brewmaster Tomme Arthur, will delve into the storied Lost Abbey barrel archives and give guests an opportunity to sample rare brews from past years. Port Brewing Chef-in-Residence, Vince Marsaglia, and his 20 foot mobile outdoor kitchen and barbeque will be on hand to steam, bake, broil, BBQ and fry their way through a stunning assortment of five-star foods.

Special musical guests: The Professors
Special musical guests: The Professors

Additionally, local music sensations, The Professors, will be on-hand to perform their brand of “sophisticated surf music” live in the brewhouse.

The Details
The Port Brewing Third Anniversary Celebration is Saturday, May 9, 2009. Beer release-only sales begin at noon. Party, food, music, etc. begins at 3pm. Food and music are free. For $15 guest receive a Port Brewing logo pint glass and 8 beer tasting tickets. Additional tickets may be purchased at the event. Ticket sales are at-the-door only. There are no pre-sale tickets. The Port Brewing facility is located at 155 Mata Way, Suite 104, San Marcos, CA 92069.

About Port Brewing / Lost Abbey
Founded in 2006, Port Brewing Company produces a broad line of award-winning American beers as well as the groundbreaking Lost Abbey family of Belgian-inspired ales. Under the direction of co-founder and world-renowned brewer, Tomme Arthur, Port / Lost Abbey has become recognized for complex, flavor-driven beers, often aged and blended after 18 months or longer in oak brandy, bourbon, and wine barrels. In additional to numerous medals, Port Brewing / The Lost Abbey and Tomme Arthur were the 2007 Great American Beer Festival Small Brewery and Small Brewer of the Year, and the 2008 World Beer Cup World Champion Small Brewery and Small Brewer. Port Brewing is located at 155 Mata Way, Suite 104, San Marcos, CA 92069, USA. Telephone (760) 889-9318, web:

» Media Information

3rd Anniversary Ale

Port Brewing’s 3rd Anniversary Ale, a double IPA, will release on this day. It will be available in 22 ounce bottles. There will be no quantity purchase limits and this beer should be distributed nationwide.

Lost Abbey News Round-up

It’s been a big past couple of weeks in the Media for our Tomme Arthur and The Lost Abbey brands. In case you missed them, here’s a quick round-up of the stories:

Red Poppy in Mutineer Magazine
Red Poppy in Mutineer Magazine

Beer Spotlight: The Lost Abbey Red Poppy
Mutineer Magazine

From the article:

From years of trying Abbey style ales Co-owner of Pizza Port Vince Marsaglia developed a love for them and was set on creating some of his own, but he needed a brewer who could bring his vision to life. When brewer Tomme Arthur was brought on-board in 1997 The Lost Abbey was born. Red Poppy is one of their Non-Denominational Ales…

» Read the rest of the story (via Mutineer Magazine)

Lost Abbey Avant Garde, Beer America TV, Ep. 51
Beer America TV

Video Summary:

The Lost Abbey checks in with a remarkable beer that is a step above crowd. Tomme Arthur and the Port Brewing Company continue to produce excellent beers, and the Avant Garde is no exception!

» Watch the video (via Beer America TV)

Lost Abbey in Chow
Lost Abbey in Chow Magazine

Your Beer Smells Like a Goat

From the article:

Novice brewers generally learn how to avoid making beer that tastes like old, dirty socks. In the University of California–Davis brewing science program, students are taught to guard against contamination by Brettanomyces, or Brett for short, a wild yeast often found in the air that’s nearly impossible to get rid of once it invades your equipment…

» Read the full story (via

American craft brewers inspired by Belgian-style sour beers
Chicago Tribune

From the article:

Most of the time, commercial brewing is an exacting and predictable science. When Greg Hall, brewmaster at Goose Island Brewing Co., decides what day to brew Honkers Ale, the brewery’s malty English bitter, he also can determine the exact dates he’ll filter and bottle the finished product.

» Read the rest of the article (via Chicago Tribune)

Tomme Arthur to Introduce Clothing Line

Renowned beer maker will introduce fashion line beginning with “Brew doo” headgear

Three time GABF Brewer of the Year, and 2008 World Beer Cup Champion Small Brewer, Tomme Arthur, will be bringing his flavor-driven fashion sense to the craft beer drinking community with the launch of a new clothing line. Dubbed “Brew-House of Arthur”, the collection will feature around 20 items ranging from casual t-shirts and shorts to high-fashion flip-flops and accessories.

Among the first items to be available will be Arthur’s signature headwear, the “Brew-Doo” doo rag, which resembles a ratty white bar towel.

Arthur modeling is
Arthur modeling his Brew Doo doo rag

“It’s an incredible fashion statement,” said Mike “Dulce” Rodriguez, style editor for Beer Wear Daily.

“It looks great whether you’re just driving down the road in a Honda station wagon, or entertaining the homies while tipping back a few grenades of malt liquor. I’ll be shocked if this isn’t the beer fashion statement of 2009.”

Another release will be the “Seven-Day Sock”, cotton footwear designed to be worn for a week straight. “They’re wonderful!” exclaimed a Brew-House of Arthur spokesman. “After a couple of days they practically stand up by themselves so they’re really easy to put on.”

The clothing line-up will also include clean white shirts in short and long sleeve styles, as well as close-toed shoes, brown pants, and a black t-shirt for dressier occasions.

Arthur is also rumored to be working with longtime Port Brewing partner, Vince Marsaglia on a clothing line inspired by Marsaglia’s unique fashion sense. The collection will most likely be flip-flops, a pair of khaki cargo shorts, and a surplus Hop 15 t-shirt.

Brew-House of Arthur anticipates the fashions hitting beer wear specialty stores in time for the craft brewing holidays.

Bad News / Good News: releases delayed, birthday party date made

The Bad News
As many of you may be aware, our cork-stoppered bottles come to us from a supplier in France. Unfortunately, because of the vagaries of inter-continental ocean transport, our shipment is currently sailing the high seas somewhere between Le Havre and Los Angeles leaving us with a lot of beer sitting in barrels waiting for glass. As a result, our planned releases of Older Viscosity on April 4th and Bourbon Angel’s Share later this month will not occur.

The Good News
Our third anniversary is right around the corner and our annual birthday bash will be held Saturday, May 9th. To make this party an extra special one, in addition to the usual food, music and frivolity, we’ll also be doing an über release. In all, there will be four beers made available that day:

  • Older Viscosity
  • The Angel’s Share (Bourbon)
  • Port Brewing 3rd Anniversary IPA
  • The Ten Commandments

Full details of the anniversary party, release sizes and availability direct from the brewery and via our distribution channels will be made available later this month.

* Patron Sinners – This notice applies to the general public only. Please check your email for updates on your Angel’s Share distribution.

Photos from Lost Abbey Carnevale

Last Saturday was our annual Carnevale masquerade party. Chef Vince cooked up a storm, the band rocked the house, and the Angel’s Share and Older Viscosity on tap (along with all our regular beers) kept the evening on a good tilt. A great time was had by all.

Thanks to all those that attended, and to those that couldn’t, we hope to see you next year. In the meantime, here’s a photo slideshow of the evening’s events:

Carnevae photos