T.E.A. Party Update — What we’ll be tasting

Tonight is the “Other” T.E.A. party and our brewers have released the final list of the Traditional Experimental Ales (T.E.A.s) candidates. And what a wide-ranging slate it is. From Plantain and Coconut stouts to Caramel Apple Ales, everyone of these presents a palate pleasing, puckering, and possibly perplexing, party platform that you partisans can get behind. (Or not.)

Here’s the list of T.E.A. Party candidates we’ll be presenting for your consideration tonight:

  1. TEA 1 — Mellow Yellow (French Oak barrel-aged Amigo) with fresh lemon zest and Black Tea
  2. TEA 2 — Avant Garde Farmhouse Ale with Caramel Apple Rooibos Tea
  3. TEA 3 — Mongo Double IPA with Mango Ceylon Black Tea
  4. TEA 4 — Red Barn Saison with Orange Ginger Mint Tea
  5. TEA 5 — Red Barn Saison with Ginger Lemon Grass Green Tea
  6. TEA 6 — Old Viscosity with Green Rooibos Plantain Coconut Tea

It’s up to you to exercise your rights, so get out and vote! Polls open at 6pm in the Lost Abbey tasting room and close promptly at 9pm. Be there and vote for your favorite beer!

More information on the time, place, costs, etc. is on our website here: The Other Tea Party: You Decide

PS: Many thanks to our friends at the Republic of Tea for providing the Teas we’re partying with. Visit them online at www.republicoftea.com

What Beer to Have for Thanksgiving

Well, Halloween is over and it’s time to turn our attention to Thanksgiving. Coincidentally, over at Craftbeer.com, famed beer professor, author and aficionado, Randy Mosher, has a great article on beer pairings for every stage of the day long food celebration.

Randy Mosher's Thanksgiving Day Beer List

Among Mosher’s many outstanding suggestions — Judgment Day (for the wine drinkers in the family) and Old Viscosity (perfect with pie).

After you’re done reading the story you can print it and make it a holiday beverage shopping list. Even it you don’t get through the whole list on Turkey Day, you’ll be set for every holiday party and get-together from now until New Year’s Day.

You can read the story here:

Via Craftbeer.com

Photo Gallery: Boos N’ Brews Night

Every year we hold our annual Boos N’ Brews night just before Halloween. It’s a family-friendly night of pizza, beers, and carving Jack o’ Lanterns. (The creativity of our patrons never ceases to amaze us.) This year we held the event on Friday, October 29 and had a great turn out. If you were there, thanks for coming in. And if you weren’t well, here’s a few photos of what you missed:

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Appearance: Brickskeller, Washington, DC

It’s two night of wet hopped beers with Tomme Arthur at The Brickskeller. He’ll be there with his High Tide wet-hopped IPA as well as a number of wet-hopped beers from our sisters, the Pizza Port brew pubs. Word has it there’ll be a number of other freshly hopped beers available as well.

All the details & tickets are available on the Brickskeller website here.

The Other TEA Party – You Decide

Be a Patriot - Vote for Beer!
Be a Patriot - Vote for Beer!

Forget about sitting around the TV on election night waiting to hear what empty suit will be elected to office to do whatever it is when empty suits get elected to office. (Spend money, usually.) We’re giving you the chance to vote on something that really matters.

As you may know, we have a beer series called T.E.A., an abbreviation for Traditional Experimental Ales, a variety of beers — sours mostly — that include real tea from our friends at Republic of Tea. To date, we’ve only released one (code named the “Arnold Palmer” for it’s light, lemonade / iced tea flavor), which was available at Stone Brewing’s 14th Anniversary celebration.

What you may not know, however, is that our brewers have been working on a variety of T.E.A.s with a number of different flavors and styles. And being the democracy-minded folks we are at the Lost Abbey, we’ve decided to let you pick which one makes it’s way out into the world.

So, election night, Tuesday, November 2, 2010, we’re turning our tasting room into a Town Hall where you can come in, sample all the T.E.A.s and vote for which one you think is the best. The winner will go on to become the next Lost Abbey Veritas release.

The details:

  • What: The Other TEA Party – Public T.E.A. tasting and election
  • Where: The Lost Abbey / Port Brewing Tasting Room
  • When: 6pm – 9pm, Tuesday, November 2, 2010
  • How Much: $1 for a 4oz taster (16oz. tasters will also be available if there’s enough to go around)

Members of every party — especially the Beer Party — are welcome to vote, but the polls close promptly at 9pm, so get there early so your vote can be heard!

4th Annual Barrel Party Night

Join brewmaster Tomme Arthur as he
once again ventures into the legendary
Lost Abbey barrel archives for an intimate
evening of exploration into the mysteries
of barrel-aged brews.

Limited to 125 guests, in addition to experiencing some of the world’s most coveted beers, attendees will also enjoy hors d’ oeuvres prepared by Lost Abbey chef in residence, Vince Marsaglia, and receive a bottle of our new Veritas release, 008.

The Details

  • What: Lost Abbey Fourth Annual Barrel Night
  • When: Saturday, November 13, 2010 – 7pm to 10pm
  • Where: The Lost Abbey / Port Brewing, San Marcos, San Diego County, CA
  • How Much: $80 per each; $150 for a pair

Tickets must be purchased online. Click here: http://www.lostabbey.com/shop/event-tickets/

Strictly limited to 125 guests. Tickets for last year’s event sold out very quickly, so make sure to purchase tickets early.

Beer Release: Amazing Grace

This is the scheduled release date for Amazing Grace (Lost and Found aged in wine barrels for two years). This is a limited barrel release and will be available directly from the brewery only. It will not reach our general distribution channels.

More information on yield quantities and bottle purchase limits will be posted as soon as it is available.

Standard disclaimer: this is a barrel-aged beer. As such release dates are subject to change based on the whims of the barrels.


  • Date: December 11, 2010 – 12pm – 6pm
  • Beer: Amazing Grace
  • Format: 375ml cork-finished bottles
  • Price: $15/bottle
  • Max: 4 bottles per person

Update 1: Nov. 11, 2010: Amazing Grace has been bottled but the release is being pushed to December to allow the bottles to properly condition.

Boos & Brews Night 2010

Squash! Knives! Pizza! Beer! What could be a better combination?

Boos n' Brews Night

Join us at the Lost Abbey for a night of brews, pizza and a whole lot of really creative pumpkin carving in preparation for All Hallow’s Eve on Sunday.

You can bring your own pumpkin or pick one up at the brewery!

The carving starts at 4pm and the pizzas will be here at 6pm.

Pumpkins and pizza are free, but pumpkins are limited in supply (so get there early if you’re feeling crafty with the squash).

Beers are all our regular (very reasonable) price.

The Details:

  • What: Boos n’ Brews Night at Lost Abbey
  • When: Friday, October 29, 2010 – 4pm to 9pm
  • Where: The Lost Abbey / Port Brewing
  • How Much: Free!

You Decide: Which Lost Abbey Beer should be in 375ml bottles?

As you may know, earlier this year we switched our 375ml bottles to the groovy “mini me” bottles you see in the photo here.

Which beer in 375s next?
Which beer in 375s next?

They’ve been such a big hit that we now regularly get requests to offer other Lost Abbey beers in the half-sized containers. Problem is, we don’t have enough glass to put every one of them in the smaller bottles (they come from overseas, so it takes a while to get more), so we need to pick just one beer.

Unfortunately, picking the beer has turned out to be more complicated that we thought because everybody around the brewhouse seems to have their own opinion as to which one it should be. But rather than going down our traditional dispute settlement path (we don’t need to get into specifics here, just know that it involves a pair of tongs, some dish soap and a full barrel), we’ve decided to do something new — we’re going to let you choose.

So for the first time ever, we’re opening the polls to allow you to vote on which beer we should begin packaging in 375ml as well as the traditional 750ml bottles. Take a moment to pick your favorite and we’ll announce the winner in a couple of weeks. (And don’t try stuffing the ballot box, you can only vote once.)


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Photos from High Tide brewing weekend

Despite a couple of minor setbacks (an emergency root canal for our head brewer, and a hop truck break down that had it arrive 10 hours late) our Labor Day weekend brewing of High Tide fresh/wet-hopped IPA turned out to be a big success. The beer should be out by the end of the month and will go into our distribution network from coast to coast. In the meantime, here’s a few photos to show you what brewing a fresh-hopped IPA looks like.

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