Ryan took some time out of his busy schedule of posing in tuxedos to answer a few questions regarding his trip to Cannes.
How was the flight?
Flight was horrible! I always check in too late and then get stuck with the middle seat. I pee a lot, so it’s a problem 🙁
What was the first thing you did France?
I got lost. A bus took me from Nice to Cannes and once in Cannes I had an address, but I had no clue where to go. Streets are frickin’ confusing as heck there! I walked around the city lost for two hours until I decided to turn on my data roaming on my phone, and man was that expensive. Eventually called my service provider and got an international plan … TOTALLY WORTH IT!
It rained almost every day my first week there. I was cold and wet and lost for a good majority of my time there. Week two was much more pleasant.
How did the Screening go?
My screening went really well. Jam packed room. I met a lot of great people and got some interesting offers.
Best movie you saw? (besides your own)
Only saw six films while I was there, because I was so busy going to panels and meeting with people, but the new Cohen brothers film, Inside Llewyn Davis was definitely my favorite.
Any celeb sightings?
First celeb I saw was Thor (Chris Hemsworth), then Will Forte, James Franco, Tilda Swinton, Tom Hiddleston, Jim Jarmusch, Steven Spielberg, Ang Lee, Steven Soderbergh, Zoe Saldana, Christoph Waltz, and more I’m sure more.
What did you primarily eat?
I ate a lot of pasta and bread … and BARELY gained any weight. Lot of italian food in France .
Any crazy beer?
Sadly, no. I went to a couple of places to scope out the draft list and nothing really crazy at all! People bought me a beer on two separate occasions and they were both Leffe. Surprisingly way better than the Leffe I’ve had in the states.
Drank a lot of Champagne, and scotch though 🙂
Champagne and wine is frickin cheap there!