A Directors Journey… or There and Back Again

Ryan took some time out of his busy schedule of posing in tuxedos to answer a few questions regarding his trip to Cannes. 941709_462179707190364_108154062_n

How was the flight?

Flight was horrible! I always check in too late and then get stuck with the middle seat. I pee a lot, so it’s a problem 🙁

What was the first thing you did France? 

I got lost. A bus took me from Nice to Cannes and once in Cannes I had an address, but I had no clue where to go.  Streets are frickin’ confusing as heck there! I walked around the city lost for two hours until I decided to turn on my data roaming on my phone, and man was that expensive. Eventually called my service provider and got an international plan … TOTALLY WORTH IT!

It rained almost every day my first week there.  I was cold and wet and lost for a good majority of my time there.  Week two was much more pleasant.

How did the Screening go? 

My screening went really well.  Jam packed room.  I met a lot of great people and got some interesting offers.

Best movie you saw? (besides your own)

Only saw six films while I was there, because I was so busy going to panels and meeting with people, but the new Cohen brothers film, Inside Llewyn Davis was definitely my favorite.

Any celeb sightings?


First celeb I saw was Thor (Chris Hemsworth), then Will Forte, James Franco, Tilda Swinton, Tom Hiddleston, Jim Jarmusch, Steven Spielberg, Ang Lee, Steven Soderbergh, Zoe Saldana, Christoph Waltz, and more I’m sure more.

What did you primarily eat?

I ate a lot of pasta and bread … and BARELY gained any weight.  Lot of italian food in France .

Any crazy beer?

Sadly, no.  I went to a couple of places to scope out the draft list and nothing really crazy at all! People bought me a beer on two separate occasions and they were both Leffe.  Surprisingly way better than the Leffe I’ve had in the states.

Drank a lot of Champagne, and scotch though 🙂

Champagne and wine is frickin cheap there!

Tasting Room Restrictions Lifted

Due in no small part we’re sure, to the pleadings and prayers of the Abbey faithful, the temporary restrictions placed upon us have been lifted while we adjust our space in order to please the powers that be.

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To celebrate our restored freedom, please join us this weekend as we welcome all of our friends and family in with a full tap list, food trucks both Saturday and Sunday, Brewery tours on Saturday and perhaps a special tap or two. And, as a very special treat, on Saturday (5/26) at 1:00, we will release a limited amount of bottles of Track 3, a blend of two pale sour beers inspired by AC/DC’s anthem Hell’s Bells. Normal on-premise rules will apply and there will be no lottery ticket associated with this special release. In addition, a similar amount of Track 5, our homage to Motley Crüe’s 1983 hit “Shout at the Devil” will be available and all normal rules (including lottery) will apply.

Extended hours will remain in effect through Monday, Memorial Day and we look forward to celebrating our restored freedom together!


Updates: Tasting Room & Track 5 Release

Recently, our local Fire Inspector came by as part of their regular visitation process. During their visit, they notified us that we are not able to use the loading ramp as an entrance/exit as we have done for the past six years. That is until we install a new, controlled entrance. As such, they have severely restricted the number of employees and guests that may be inside at any given time to less than 50. We are working with them to satisfy their requirements as quickly as possible to get these restrictions lifted.
In the interim, we have suspended our brewery tour program and limited group visits. We are also making additional adjustments in order to provide the best service possible, while adhering to these new restrictions.

In regards to the release of Track 5 this Saturday (5/19), we will open to the public at 11:00 and Track 5 will be available at that time per normal rules and procedure. We do ask however, that in consideration of guests that may be waiting to gain entry, Patrons please limit their visit to an hour’s time or less. On-duty staff may need to cease service to guests that remain past that time.
We will also be featuring a Growler Fill and Bottle Sales station on the loading ramp at what was once our main entrance. Although you will not be able to enter the Tasting Room, employees will be there to assist you in selecting bottles or filling your growlers. Both cash and credit cards will be accepted.
We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through this challenge. Being able to share our outstanding beer with you is why we make it. We look forward to getting back to “business as usual” as soon as humanly possible. This also has an impact on our hard working team of Brewers and Beertenders, so we thank you in advance for supporting them through it all.
Please stay tuned here and via our social media feeds for further updates and information as it becomes available.

Vodcast #15 The Lost Abbey Propaganda

At least once a month we collect anywhere form 15 to 30 barrel samples in order to document the barrels’ progress. Devon, who has been tasked with Special Projects, arranges and maintains new and old barrel cooperage. On this particular adventure she took Matt, our Lead Brewer, along with with her.

Box Set Track 5 Releases Saturday May 19, 2012

This Saturday, May 19, 2012 will mark the release of our fifth track in our epic Ultimate Box Set series.

Track 5, an homage to Motley Crüe’s over-the-top anthem Shout at the Devil, features a pair of our best fruited sours, Red Poppy and Framboise de Amorosa, bumped with enough additional fruit satisfy anyone’s cherry and raspberry-popping desire. After blending it was sent to rest in French Oak until it was of age.

You’ll find the beer details (blend, ABV, liner notes, album art, etc.) on the website here. Details on the other Box Set beers can be found on the Box Set home page.

As with all Box Set releases, the beers must be consumed on site, same day. Unopened bottles may not be carried out. Each bottle is 375ml and is $15 each.

Tasting Room Temporarily Adjusts Hours & Number of Visitors

As the brewery continues to grow and expand, we remain committed to ensuring that we provide the best customer experience while remaining in-line with regulatory requirements. We have therefore decided to temporarily adjust our Tasting Room times and occupancy while we research further into the best balance for all.

Effective today, Monday, 5/14, we will adjust our maximum number of Patrons to fifty (50) inside the building at any given time. We will also be expanding our weekend hours allowing additional time to help offset this limitation.

We appreciate your patronage and hope you will visit us during these new expanded times.  Please stay tuned for further updates as we transition through this process and strive to provide the highest quality in service, experience and outstanding craft beer made with pride.

Adjusted Hours Are As Follows:
  • Mon-Tue: 1pm – 6pm
  • Wed: 1pm – 9pm *
  • Thur: 1pm – 7pm
  • Fri: 1pm – 9pm
  • Sat: 11am – 9pm
  • Sun: 11am – 7pm

* Wednesday is Hump Day Happy Hour! It’s a round-up of great gourmet food trucks ready to serve amazing food to pair with our beers! A different line-up every week!


Update: What’s Special for our 6th Anniversary Party This Weekend

Epic alert: Amazing food, great music, and a tap list that’s the craft beer equivalent of The Avengers.

Click here to get your tickets to the Port / The Lost Abbey 6th Anniversary
We just got the word from the DOBO and our hospitality manager, Kevin Hopkins, on the final arrangements for our Anniversary party this weekend. Needless to say, if you’re not attending, you’re going to miss the event of the weekend. Here’s the updates:

  • Gourmet Food Truck Triumvirate:
    In past years we’ve served up barbeque and pizza courtesy of our in-house pit masters and cousins at Pizza Port. This year, however, we’re cranking it up a notch and inviting in a trio of our favorite gourmet food trucks to literally create an outdoor food court filled with three continents of incredible eats.Food Trucks Include:

    • Casanova Fish Tacos
    • Red Oven Pizza
    • Slow Cal BBQ
  • Epic Tap List:
    Not only will all 26 taps in the tasting room be flowing, but in addition to the regular line-up Port Brewing/The Lost Abbey liquid awesomeness, we’re also loading the line-up with our biggest collection of limited-edition wonders ever. Specialty Taps:

    1. The Angel’s Share – Bourbon Barrel (v. 2011) – 3 tickets/ea
    2. Anniversary Ale (v. 2012)
    3. Deliverance (v. 2012) – 3 tickets/ea
    4. Framboise de Amorosa (v. 2012) – 3 tickets/ea
    5. Hop-15 (spring 2012 release)
    6. Red Poppy (v. 2012) – 3 tickets/ea
    7. Santa’s Little Helper – Bourbon Barrel (v. 2011) – 3 tickets/ea

    And for the first time ever on tap:

    • Inferno Ale
  • Music For The Masses
    Squarefish 1:30pm - 3:00pm

    Silverline 4:30pm - 8:00pm
  • Additional Tickets Now Available
    With a little re-arranging we were able to make additional room for a few more of our friends, so we’ve made more tickets available! So if you tried to get tickets last week, but were told that we were sold out, fear not! We’ve released a new batch of tickets for both sessions. You will want to hurry, though — while we did make more tickets available, it’s not that many more, so we expect them to sell out quickly once again. (» buy tickets here.)

The Details

Port Brewing / The Lost Abbey, 155 Mata Way, Suite 104, San Marcos, CA 92069.

Date / Time(s):

Saturday May 12, 2011-Two sessions

Each guest will receive a commemorative tasting glass, 8 beer tasting tickets and food (additional taster tickets are $1 each).


  • $20 per session
  • Each session limited to 400 people

We’ve sold out completely each year, so make sure to get your tickets early! (It’s unlikely we’ll have any at the door.) 21 and older only please. ID will be required.

Purchase Tickets: (via Brown Paper Tickets)

click here to purchase tickets

Watch the 6th Anniversary Video Promo


Vodcast #14 The Lost Abbey Propaganda

The Craft Brewers Conference and The World Beer Cup have come and gone; we’re all a little groggy from a very eventful weekend. Time to make beer again. Our first brew of the week is 10 Commandments.

Watch Online