Ultimate Box Set Track 9 Releases September 15, 2012

The Track 9 release is knockin’ at your door.

Vodcast #31 Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door from The Lost Abbey on Vimeo.

This Saturday, September 15, 2012 we’re releasing number nine in our Ultimate Box Set series. This one is a Remixed Track that pays homage to Guns n’ Roses’ cover of the Bob Dylan classic, Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door.

Track 9 began as a few barrels of Cuvee de Tomme that hadn’t matured enough to make it to bottling last year. To those we added currants and an additional dose of Brett and let Nature do what she would. The result is a jammy brew with just the right amount of tartness and funk. You’ll find the beer details (blend, ABV, liner notes, album art, etc.) on the website here. Details on the other Box Set beers can be found on the Box Set home page.

The tasting room doors will open at 10:30 am for this special event. As with all Box Set releases, the beers must be consumed on site, same day. Unopened bottles may not be carried out. Each bottle is 375ml and is $15 each.

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