Ultimate Box Set Release updates

As we enter the home stretch of our Ultimate Box Set releases, we thought this would be a good time to update you on the logistics of the last few releases as well as the complete Boxed Set itself. Here’s what you need to know

  • Track 10 release — is slated for release on October 20, 2012. Once again, we’ll be opening the tasting room doors at 10:30a.m. As with all Box Set releases this beer must be consumed on site. Unopened bottles may not be carried out. More details on this release will be posted on The Lost Abbey website the week before the release.
  • Track 11 release – Track 11’s release has been moved up by one week to November 10, 2012 to coincide with San Diego Beer Week and give us a little more breathing room between it and the release of Track 12 and the full Ultimate Box Set collection. As always we’ll post more details on our website as we near the release date.
  • Final Lottery Drawings – The 3rd lottery drawing (for those who purchased Tracks 7 – 9) will be held this week. If you’re a winner you’ll be notified shortly thereafter. Because of the short amount of time remaining between now and the full collection release, we’ll also be doing lottery drawings immediately following the release of Track 10 and following Track 11. Winners of the Track 10 lottery will be notified by November 11, winners of the Track 11 lottery by November 16.
  • Track 12 release – Track 12 will release on Saturday, November 24, 2012 in conjunction with the Full Box Set Collection release. As with previous Box Set bottle releases, the tasting room will open to the general public for bottle sales at 10:30 am. We’ll have complete details on Track 12 available shortly after Track 11’s release in November.
  • Full Box Set Collection release – First off, we’re pleased to announce that we’re bumping the total number of complete collections from 350 to 500. When, we originally planned this release back in 2011, we estimated that we’d have enough to release 350 individual bottles each month and have 350 left over to release as part of the complete collection. As it turns out, we were lucky with the barrel yields so we’re able to increase the total number of complete sets to 500. As a result, we’re also able to draw an additional 150 lottery winners (names drawn will be divided equally among each track) to reach the full 500 set allocation. There will be no additional complete sets available to the general public the day of release.
  • Lottery Winner Pickup – We will issue the Full Collections to the lottery winners on Thanksgiving Weekend – Saturday, November 24 and Sunday, November 25, 2012. You will be contacted in early November to schedule a private appointment to come in and pick up your Ultimate Box Set. As of yet, we don’t have a price for the full collection (all the pieces aren’t done quite yet), but we anticipate having that information along with payment options and all the details of what will be included in the Ultimate Box Set in Mid-October. Please keep an eye out for the email notice.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, we’ve set up an Ultimate Box Set hotline and email address. You can telephone (925) 269-7381, or email us at LABoxSet@gmail.com.

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