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The Sydney Keegan Project

Sydney Keegan

Sydney Keegan

It’s not fair. At least that’s how I think of it. Pizza Port and Port Brewing already has some of the most talented brewers on the planet working for us and we’re developing a stealth program to ensure that our needs in the future for greatness can be met from within.

It’s a super secret program that we call the Sydney Keegan In training Project (Code Named SKIP). You see it’s not really TOP secret as many of you have already seen her working at Port Brewing in San Marcos. Sydney was hired on May 15th of 2006. She weighed 6 lbs 12 ounces on that day and was a whopping 18 inches tall. That may not seem like much in the credential department, but it’s my belief that the best trainees are sometimes the ones with no experience. And I had to hire her, she has great genes.

Currently, she works on a part time as needed basis. It varies depending on her mood, her availability and in general her malaise. I haven’t had to work with too many female brewers in the past so getting a handle on her schedule can be tough to say the least. But she is an excellent pupil-when not taking her obligatory siesta.

I studied English at Northern Arizona University with the intention of becoming a teacher. That didn’t work out so well. Still, I took all the information from those classes and over the years have taught many people the ins and outs of being great brewers. It’s no secret that some of the best brewers who have made beer in San Diego have at one time called Pizza Port their home.

Which brings us back to the Sydney Keegan Project and it’s just not fair. Sometimes, I think about how unfair it will be 18 years from now when she’s brewing. I know plenty of brewers who have almost 20 years of experience and many of them have reached Demi-God like status. Someone will inevitably ask where she studied or learned to be a brewer. She’ll stop and think about it before answering- “dunno, can’t remember a time when I didn’t make beer.” And that will be the Gods honest truth.

Sure, this may turn out to be the story of an overzealous father. Maybe they’ll commit me to a mental institution? Lucky for her, there aren’t summer camps for brewers in training. She won’t have to endure 5 AM mornings at the gym to keep in top shape. And there most certainly won’t be too many tournaments to burn her out.

Yet, she will be a brewer. WHY, because Daddy said so! Many of you may be wondering what she’s learned so far. Well, she’s learned that Caustic, Steam and Hot Kettles are safe as long as you don’t get too close to them. She’s learned that Old Viscosity seems like a beverage she one day may like A LOT. Mostly, she’s seen that the brewery is a place with a teacher who seems eager to teach as long as the pupil is willing to listen. And right now, she is a great listener.

Next time you find yourself thinking about your favorite brewery or brewer. Ask yourself. “Twenty years from now, will this still be a great beer?” We are confident the answer is yes and we invite you all to witness the Sydney Keegan In training Project as living and breathing proof that if you build it, they will come.

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