The Event
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Photos With Santa
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If you would like a higher-res version of one of the photos please contact ryan@lostabbey.com
Inspired Beer for Sinners and Saints Alike
The Event
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Photos With Santa
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If you would like a higher-res version of one of the photos please contact ryan@lostabbey.com
In celebration of Santa coming to town for The Lost Abbey / Port Brewing’s Christmas in July, We took Santa out on an LAV, thanks to the US Marine Corp and Toys for Tots. So when you see a couple of amphibious vehicles storming the brewery, don’t be worried, it’s just Santa making a grand entrance.
Santa’s Got A Brand New Sleigh from The Lost Abbey on Vimeo.
Our annual beer release and party to benefit the Marine Corps’ Toys for Tots Foundation!
Join us for a day of Christmas time festivities, great food and beer to celebrate the release of bourbon barrel-aged Santa’s Little Helper and collect toys and cash to benefit the Marine Corp’s Toys for Tots foundation.
Beer releases:
Food & Beer:
Specialty Taps (Limited Draft):
A Visit from St. Nick
Santa Claus loves to visit us while he’s on vacation in San Diego! He’ll be dropping by the brewery so you can get you, your friends’ and family (kids welcome) professionally photographed with him.
Toys for Tots toy drive and fundraiser
Vodcast #24 Christmas In July from The Lost Abbey on Vimeo.
Photos With Santa
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The Event
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