We don’t have many employees here at Port Brewing & The Lost Abbey, though it is growing. Here is a brief look into all of the “behind the scenes” people that make this brewery what is it.
Cuvee de Tomme – Vodcast #42
Greg tells us a few facts about Cuvee de Tomme while he is stacking the empty barrels used for this year’s blend.
Vodcast #38 GABF Happenings
Before we ventured to Denver for the Great American Beer Festival this year we announced that our fellow Saint, Abbey, had gone missing.
We announced there would be a reward for the person to follow his tracks and catch him at his final destination. Thanks to the help of Michael Kearns, and several more, he was found. This video pertains some of his whereabouts and his finding, as well as our success that followed later at the GABF awards ceremony.
Vodcast #32 Talk Like A Pirate Day
Costumes were purchased and fun was had in honor of National Talk Like A Pirate Day (9/19/12)
Vodcast #32 Talk Like A Pirate Day from The Lost Abbey on Vimeo.
Vodcast #27 Number Of The Beast
A couple people got a sneak peak of Track 8, a beer unlike any other. Here is what they thought.
Vodcast #27 The Number Of The Beast from The Lost Abbey on Vimeo.
Vodcast #22 BA Santa’s Little Helper
Devon, Matt and Mike rack off 2012 Bourbon Barrel Aged Santa’s Little Helper.
Vodcast #22 BA Santa’s Little Helper from The Lost Abbey on Vimeo.
Vodcast #6 The Lost Abbey Propaganda
At the end of February we had our Commercial Conclave winner flown into San Diego to shoot his idea for a Port Brewing/Lost Abbey commercial. Unfortunately, a bright sunny day was essential for his idea to work, and when we arrived at the Carlsbad Beach on Friday February 24th it was dark and gloomy. However, we were insistent on shooting something; we weren’t going to fly Mario out here and not shoot anything. So, we goofed around, drank some beer, did some brainstorming, and shot this.
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We love Mario’s original idea, and still plan on shooting it at the end off this month.
Vodcast #4 The Lost Abbey Propaganda
This week we pushed 4 barrels of delicious sour beer into our grundy for the blending of Track 3 of the box set. Devon shows the process as Gwen explains it.