Info for The Ultimate Box Set RELOAD

The Lost Abbey’s Ultimate Box Set tour is coming to a close. To commemorate a year of The Ultimate Box Set, The Lost Abbey will have an Ultimate Box Set RELOAD. A one-time opportunity for Box Set owners to refill their existing Box Set or stock up on a few of their favorite tracks to stash away for the future. Sales of the individual tracks will commence Tuesday November 5th at Noon PST for Box Set Owners. CLICK HERE to go to the Lost Abbey Shop

The Pickup process will begin Friday, November 22nd and last through Sunday December 1st. November 23rd, there will be a Ultimate Box Set Wrap Party held at The Lost Abbey (for original Box Set Owners only, not open to the general public) with bottle pickups happening in the packaging line. Pickup of Tracks on the other 9 days will happen in The Lost Abbey Tasting Room.


  • Track 4 – 3 bottles per person limit
  • Track 5 – 3 bottles per person limit
  • Track 6 – 2 bottles per person limit
  • Track 7 – 3 bottles per person limit
  • Track 8 – 2 bottles per person limit
  • Track 9 – 3 bottles per person limit
  • Track 10- 2 bottles per person limit
  • Track 11 – 3 bottles per person limit

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Tracks On Repeat

Join us this Saturday, January 19th, as we stock our tasting room cold box with one case of every track and hit repeat.


  • What: One case of each track (1-13) will be loaded into the cold box
  • When: Saturday January 19, 2013 – 12:30pm to 8pm
  • Where: The Lost Abbey / Port Brewing, San Marcos, San Diego County, CA
  • How Much: $20 per bottle, and as with previous track releases, bottles are for on-premise consumption only.
  • Caveats: Due to anticipated high demand, customers will be limited to purchasing one bottle each (1), from two separate tracks at any given time. Complete details available at time of purchase.

Lost Abbey Track series web size

Track 12 of The Ultimate Box Set Releases Saturday, November 24

This Saturday, November 24, 2012 we’re releasing the twelfth beer in our Ultimate Box Set series. Track 12 is a Fresh Track; a non-fruited sour that’s a blend of three beers aged in oak barrels and inspired by Black Sabbath’s epic 1980 hit Heaven and Hell.

Ultimate Box Set Track 12 - Heaven and Hell
The epic culmination of our Ultimate Box Set; Track 12 is an inspired new sour designed for Sinners and Saints Alike

For Track 12 we created a new beer – a non-fruited sour made from a blend of Avant Garde, a previously unreleased sour brown ale, and a splash of Gift of the Magi. Aged in oak barrels the beer offers a musty nose followed by a compelling mélange of sweet and sour flavors.

Among all the Tracks we have released this year (many of which are now medal winners), the DOBO feels that Track 12 is the one that offers the most intriguing possibilities for the long run. We think all you Sinners and you Saints are really going to enjoy this one.

You’ll find the beer details (blend, ABV, liner notes, album art, etc.) on the website here. Details on the other Box Set beers can be found on the Box Set home page.

The tasting room doors will open at 10:00 am for this special event. As with all Box Set releases, the beers must be consumed on site the same day. Unopened bottles may not be carried out. Each bottle is 375ml and is $15 each.

SPECIAL NOTE: The Track 12 release day coincides with the release of the complete Ultimate Box Set Collections for those who won opportunities in the lotteries. As with past lotteries, we will draw 45 names from those who purchase a bottle of Track 12 during the release. Unlike past lotteries, however, the Track 12 lottery winners will be “instant winners” – i.e., they will be able to purchase and take home an Ultimate Box Set Collection the same day.

If you’re a Track 12 lottery winner and want to purchase the complete collection please be prepared to take your collection home the same day.

For collection pricing, contents and other details, please click here.

Vodcast #38 GABF Happenings

Before we ventured to Denver for the Great American Beer Festival this year we announced that our fellow Saint, Abbey, had gone missing.

We announced there would be a reward for the person to follow his tracks and catch him at his final destination.  Thanks to the help of Michael Kearns, and several more, he was found.  This video pertains some of his whereabouts and his finding, as well as our success that followed later at the GABF awards ceremony.



Vodcast #38 GABF Happenings from The Lost Abbey on Vimeo.

Box Set Track 7 Releases This Saturday, July 21, 2012

Rosemary’s got a new baby and its name is Track 7.

This Saturday, July 21, 2012 we’re releasing the seventh beer in our Ultimate Box Set series, a Remixed Track that’s a tribute to INXS seminal 1988 classic, The Devil Inside.

With Track 7 we dug back into the archives to find a few barrels of Veritas 006, spiked them with rasperries and cherries, and topped it off with the zest of fresh mandarin oranges. It’s a fruity pucker-puss with an ABV of 8.12%

You’ll find the beer details (blend, ABV, liner notes, album art, etc.) on the website here. Details on the other Box Set beers can be found on the Box Set home page.

As with all Box Set releases, the beers must be consumed on site, same day. Unopened bottles may not be carried out. Each bottle is 375ml and is $15 each.

Updates: Tasting Room & Track 5 Release

Recently, our local Fire Inspector came by as part of their regular visitation process. During their visit, they notified us that we are not able to use the loading ramp as an entrance/exit as we have done for the past six years. That is until we install a new, controlled entrance. As such, they have severely restricted the number of employees and guests that may be inside at any given time to less than 50. We are working with them to satisfy their requirements as quickly as possible to get these restrictions lifted.
In the interim, we have suspended our brewery tour program and limited group visits. We are also making additional adjustments in order to provide the best service possible, while adhering to these new restrictions.

In regards to the release of Track 5 this Saturday (5/19), we will open to the public at 11:00 and Track 5 will be available at that time per normal rules and procedure. We do ask however, that in consideration of guests that may be waiting to gain entry, Patrons please limit their visit to an hour’s time or less. On-duty staff may need to cease service to guests that remain past that time.
We will also be featuring a Growler Fill and Bottle Sales station on the loading ramp at what was once our main entrance. Although you will not be able to enter the Tasting Room, employees will be there to assist you in selecting bottles or filling your growlers. Both cash and credit cards will be accepted.
We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through this challenge. Being able to share our outstanding beer with you is why we make it. We look forward to getting back to “business as usual” as soon as humanly possible. This also has an impact on our hard working team of Brewers and Beertenders, so we thank you in advance for supporting them through it all.
Please stay tuned here and via our social media feeds for further updates and information as it becomes available.