The Lost Abbey and Brothers Provision team up for an adventure in Beer and Cheese pairings at The Lost Abbey Tasting Room, Friday May 31st. Beginning at 4pm, we’ll pair 5 of Brothers Provisions exquisite cheeses with 5 of our Lost Abbey Beers. Tickets are $20 and are first come- first serve available at the tasting room. Ticket includes 10 tastings ( 5 beers and 5 cheeses or a different ratio if you so desire)
Epic alert: Amazing food, great music, and a tap list that’s the craft beer equivalent of The Avengers.
We just got the word from the DOBO and our hospitality manager, Kevin Hopkins, on the final arrangements for our Anniversary party this weekend. Needless to say, if you’re not attending, you’re going to miss the event of the weekend. Here’s the updates:
Gourmet Food Truck Triumvirate:
In past years we’ve served up barbeque and pizza courtesy of our in-house pit masters and cousins at Pizza Port. This year, however, we’re cranking it up a notch and inviting in a trio of our favorite gourmet food trucks to literally create an outdoor food court filled with three continents of incredible eats.Food Trucks Include:
Casanova Fish Tacos
Red Oven Pizza
Slow Cal BBQ
Epic Tap List:
Not only will all 26 taps in the tasting room be flowing, but in addition to the regular line-up Port Brewing/The Lost Abbey liquid awesomeness, we’re also loading the line-up with our biggest collection of limited-edition wonders ever. Specialty Taps:
Additional Tickets Now Available
With a little re-arranging we were able to make additional room for a few more of our friends, so we’ve made more tickets available! So if you tried to get tickets last week, but were told that we were sold out, fear not! We’ve released a new batch of tickets for both sessions. You will want to hurry, though — while we did make more tickets available, it’s not that many more, so we expect them to sell out quickly once again. (» buy tickets here.)
Each guest will receive a commemorative tasting glass, 8 beer tasting tickets and food (additional taster tickets are $1 each).
$20 per session
Each session limited to 400 people
We’ve sold out completely each year, so make sure to get your tickets early! (It’s unlikely we’ll have any at the door.) 21 and older only please. ID will be required.
You are cordially invited to celebrate the end of the Carnevale season with one last evening of celebration at The Lost Abbey’s famed Venetian masquerade ball on February 25, 2012 from 7pm to 11pm.
Among the 20-plus taps of fine Port Brewing and The Lost Abbey beers will be the premiere of the 2012 vintage of our GABF gold medal winning Lenten saison, Carnevale. We’ll also have fine food from Chef Jasón Dänderand and company, and live music courtesy of The Professors.
Beers are regular price, but for those properly attired for the masquerade (costume and mask), the food and entertainment are free. A $10 cash only cover charge applies to those without proper dress. 21 and over only please. Valid ID required.
NOTE: This is a very popular event, and food and space are limited, so it’s best to arrive early rather than late. Mark your calendars now!
Details: What: 5th Annual Carnevale di Lost Abbey Masquerade When: February 25, 7pm to 11pm Where: The Lost Abbey, 155 Mata Way, Suite 104, San Marcos, CA 92069
For directions to the brewery or more information, please vist our Contact Page.
Check out these photos from previous Carnevale Masquerades:
We’re celebrating Hump Day with the first Food Truck roundup in North San Diego County!
Join us this Wednesday, December 7 from 5pm to 8pm as we kick off a new tradition celebrating making it “over the hump” with great craft beer and a fantastic food truck gathering outside our tasting room.
Hosted by our food truck friends, Mad Maui BBQ, every two weeks there’ll be a rotating line up of trucks available for your foodie pleasure!
When: 5pm – 8pm, Wednesday, December 7, 2011 (and every two weeks thereafter)
Where: Port Brewing & The Lost Abbey, 155 Mata Way, Suite 104, San Marcos, CA 92069
Join us in celebrating our dads by bringing yours to the Port Brewing & The Lost Abbey tasting room and buying him a pint. When you do, your Dad keeps the pint glass! You can even buy him two pints and get him a matched set! All dads are welcome. See you (and your Dad) in the Tasting Room!
What: Hoppy Father’s Day – You buy Dad a pint and Dad Keeps the pint glass (Port Brewing Logo pint glass)
When: Father’s Day (Sunday, June 19, 2011) – 12pm to 6pm
With a little under 24 hours before the Moment of Truth, we though it’d be a good time to update everyone on all the other changes going into place for the summer starting today (May 27, 2011). Here you go:
Extended Summer Hours
Starting Memorial Day weekend and running through Labor Day weekend, we’re extending our tasting room hours so that more people have a chance to drop by. Our extended weekend hours for summer are as follows:
Friday: 3pm to 9pm
Saturday: 12pm to 7pm
Sunday: 12pm to 6pm
The tasting room will still be closed Mondays and Tuesdays, and open from 1pm to 5pm on Wednesdays and Thursdays for bottle sales & growler fills only. (Don’t complain. The brewhouse crew needs the room so they can make all that liquid magic we love so much.)
Open Memorial Day
In addition to the longer hours starting this weekend, the Tasting Room will also be open on Memorial Day — Monday, May 30 — from 12pm to 4pm so you can roll in for a few tasters and pick up some bottles and/or a growler fill for your holiday barbeque.
Oh — and speaking of Memorial Day weekend, we’d be remiss not to mention that this Sunday, May 29th, is Terri the tasting room manager’s birthday. Make sure to tell her happy birthday if you stop by!
Barrel Room tasting bar now open
If you haven’t dropped by in the past couple of weeks then you probably don’t know that we recently opened a new tasting bar in our Barrel Room. Tucked in among the barrels awaiting the Angel’s to give their blessing, there’s 20 taps (just like the main bar) loaded with Port Brewing & Lost Abbey goodness. If the main bar looks a little crowded or you’d just like to enjoy a taster or two in a really cool atmosphere, make sure to check it out!
Special Beers on Tap
Back in Mak Porter — This weekend we’ll also have a couple of special beers on tap perfect to kick off summer. The first is “Back in Mak”, a robust porter that you may already know as Makanudo or La Cruda Porter. It’s a beer that dates back to Tomme’s first gig as a professional brewer way back in 1996 (and the first beer for which he earned a GABF gold medal). Tomme, his old boss Troy Hojel and Skip Virgilio (a founder of Alesmith) all met to brew the beer together for the first time in 15 years. Most of the beer is being bottled as La Cruda Porter, which will go to attendees of the NHC next month (read: no distribution). But we’ve got a few kegs we decided to put on tap as “Back in Mak” so you’ll have a chance to taste it even if you’re not attending the conference.
Dawn Patrol — Dawn Patrol Dark is an English Mild Ale that we actually brew as the base beer for Red Poppy. We don’t distribute this beer, but it’s a wonderful, low ABV beer perfect for an afternoon session, so we decided to put on one of the remaining kegs (the rest has already gone into the barrels), giving you an opportunity to taste Red Poppy before it’s, well, Red Poppy. (Red Poppy is also on tap, so try them side-by-side and check out how the beer is transformed in the barrels.)
If you’re into the barrel-aged specialty stuff, we’ll also have Brandy Angel’s Share, Older Viscosity, Ad Lib and Red Poppy on tap for as long as it lasts!
BYO Growlers
Unfortunately, we had a mix up with the glass company and we are completely out of growlers until June 6th. If you’re looking for a growler fill, please make sure to bring your own growler. (And remember we can only fill growlers labeled Lost Abbey or Port Brewing. We’re not allowed to fill any other brewery’s growler by law, so double-check your bottle and make sure it has our name on it before coming in.)
Veritas 009 Release
Finally, this weekend is the release of our much-anticipated Veritas 009. There is only 100 cases total of this and we’re limiting it to 4 bottles per person. We will be opening at 10am for Veritas bottle sales (the full tasting room will still open at noon) and we expect this one to sell out in a couple of hours, so if you’d like to pick up bottles, we recommend that you arrive sooner rather than later. All the details on Veritas 009 can be found here: Veritas 009 Release Announcement.
If you follow our happenings, you’re probably aware that we’ve been undergoing an expansion for the last several months essentially doubling our brewery space.
Open House, Jan. 22
We built new offices, a DOBO habitat (aka, Tomme’s office), a state-of-the-art lab, brand new packaging storage, modern delivery bays, oh… and a bottling line so roomy the brewhouse boys no longer have to stand with their butts touching during bottling. (We can’t tell if they’re happy or sad about that.)
Yesterday we finally fired up the bottling line and did our first run of beer in the new space, marking the last step in our move-in. (Hooray!) To celebrate our new digs, we’re holding an Open House this Saturday. We’ll be doing tours of the new space, checking out the DOBO habitat, and talking about all the great new stuff we’ll be doing in 2011 (did we mention we just added a few hundred new barrels to our collection?). We might even put something interesting on tap…(hint, hint).
The Open House will be all day during normal tasting room hours, so make sure to drop by and check it out!
Friday – Nov. 26: 12pm – 9pm Extended Hours! Black Friday madness? No thank you. How about a nice afternoon in the Tasting Room with family and friends?
Saturday – Nov. 27: 12pm – 6pm
If you’re in town for the Holiday, stop by for a tour and tasting!
Sunday – Nov. 28: 12pm – 5pm
Sunday’s are pretty low key, so if you need a post relative / pre-back to work break, this is a great day to do it.
So if you’ve got family and friends in town and you want to show them a good time (or they’re driving you crazy and you need a moment of peace), drop on by this week. We’ll be happy to see you.
You know, running a brewery is hard work. Of course it’s made easier by beers at noon when friends stop by for no good reason. Other times at best it’s a jumbled mess of legal, legislative and enforcement woes. This was one such week beset by head spinning agencies and local code enforcements.
A very expensive sign
On Tuesday, we were surprised inspected by the San Diego County Department of Environmental Health. The two inspectors were sent out to visit our facilities (and other breweries in San Diego) as a patron had lodged a complaint about local tasting rooms. So I’d like to take a moment to thank that one person who felt it was important to lodge a complaint about brewery tasting rooms all over San Diego. Apparently they were concerned that we didn’t have a GIANT BLUE “A” on our cold boxes!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
You see, my fellow brewers and brewery owners are now having our hands forced (in the name of public safety) to go through the plan check and approval phase so that all of us can earn Health Permits for our tasting rooms.
What’s even better and the reason we’re all so thankful for your efforts today is that Port Brewing and The Lost Abbey has been issued a cease and desist for the sampling of beer in our tasting room. Because, as we all know, beer is a public nuisance laced with nasty things that can kill you!
I personally want to extend my gratitude to that consumer who felt this industry needed more regulatory agencies knocking on our doors. (The Health Department has never been interested in us before this call) Muchas Gracias Amigo (or Amiga) wherever you might be. There are breweries all over the City of San Diego who are now going to have to spend thousands of dollars on repairs that at best are “marginally justified.”
And while I’m at it, a shout out to my bookkeeper Alicia Kelly who will be working extra hours to ensure the payments and checks we need to facilitate this spending spree are cut and signed.
I suppose the plumbers, electricians and restaurant supply companies would like to take a moment to thank that one person who lodged the complaint. I’m sure the plumber won’t mind firing up the concrete saw as he makes a number of cuts in our floor so that we can install new floor drains. The electricians will have fun working to move junction boxes and installing more electrical outlets enabling us to relocate our new computer terminals because someone at a desk thinks they’re too close to the dishwasher. The restaurant supply company will gladly order all of the necessary stainless steel sinks and drain boards we need to be compliant. My flooring guy is looking at a nice fat check for the installation of washable tile flooring since the concrete we’re currently using isn’t up to code. I doubt any of them will complain as each will be getting paid for their assistance.
Yet, I am thankful that I know that I know them because without them, we’d be running around like chickens without heads.
And as long as we’re thanking people, I would like to thank the two ladies from the County Office who were incredibly nice as they asked me to sign away my rights to sampling our patrons on a beverage that cannot make them ill. Most assuredly, they could feel my pain. As we have been sampling our faithful for 4 years, it was hard to convey the sense of dismay and shock of being told we have no recourse in this matter.
On the plus side, they did agree with me that retail sales of bottled beer and growlers should not be affected by this directive (see below). I know that we’ll become great friends as we’re now scheduled to see each other at least twice a year. I’m looking forward to hearing all about their children and how little Johnny played at second base last week during his little league game!
Having heard from all sorts of local government employees this week, I am sure they would love to personally extend their gratitude to that person who just created more work for them even though every other Friday they are being furloughed. They all seemed “genuinely” concerned that someone would get sick from drinking beer at a tasting room as they rolled their eyes at us. Did you know that Wineries and Brandy producers who operate tasting rooms in California are exempt from inspections? I didn’t either until Tuesday. I’m seriously considering going Jesus on the world and turning water (and grapes) into wine enabling us to get an exemption as well.
Lastly, my employees would like to thank that person who lobbed that phone call. Normally I don’t have a reason to swear and yell at anyone around here. I’m pretty even keel. But this week, all bets were off. I think I yelled at a guy for actually doing a great job. I wouldn’t know because since Tuesday, I’ve been thanking everyone under the sun for everything and nothing at all. I figured if I thanked enough people, I might find the person who I really needed to. As it’s Friday and I’m still not sure I have thanked that person who acted in the interest of public health, I thought I would take a few more minutes to do so.
To the person who lobbed the complaint to the County Department of Environmental Health, I’d like to take one last moment to Thank You on behalf of all the brewers and brewery owners in San Diego County.
Thank You for adding more work to our already busy schedules.
Thank You for adding more stress to our already stressed out lives.
Thank You for adding another agency we must pay fees and submit to inspections for.
Thank You for adding taking dollars out of our bank account so governments have things to inspect.
Thank You for giving me another reason to drink my World Class Kick Ass Handcrafted American Beer because even though I’m staring at a pile of paperwork I didn’t need, I’ll be doing it with one of our non life threatening beers in hand!
Greetings Faithful ones. Just a brief newsletter to let you know our special extended tasting room hours for the New Year’s holiday weekend.
Dec 31 (Thu) – 12pm to 4pm We’ll be open for growler fills, bottle sales and tastings in advance of New Year’s Eve celebrations. Make sure to drop in and pick up a bottle of Inferno so you’ve got something good to pop at midnight and drink to the new year (and new decade).
Jan 1 (Fri) – 2pm to 8pm (extended hours) New Year’s Day we’ll be opening a couple of hours early so you can enjoy a few tasters and/or pints while watching the big bowl games. The Rose Bowl (and BCS Championship game) kicks off with Oregon and Ohio State at 2pm; the Cotton Bowl features Cincinnati and Florida at 5:30pm.
Jan 2 (Sat)– 12pm to 5pm Saturday we’re back to normal hours. It’s supposed to be 80 degrees and sunny, so it’ll be a beautiful day to drop in and hoist a pint to those who are fortunate enough to get snow and freezing weather rather than being forced to endure our San Diego winters.
Jan 3 (Sun) – 12pm to 4pm Sunday we’ll be watching the Pittsburgh Steelers take on the Miami Dolphins first. Both teams still have a (long) shot at a wild card playoff slot, so it should be a good game. Later we’ll be tuning in to watch our Chargers take on the Washington Redskins. The Chargers have already nabbed their playoff spot and get to take wild card week off, so it’s the last time we’ll see them for a couple weeks.
Hope you can drop by. Happy holidays from all of us at Port Brewing and The Lost Abbey, and best wishes for the coming new year!