Last night I had the great pleasure of attending the Cook’s Confab Beer event at Stingaree Restaurant and Bar in Downtown San Diego. The Cook’s Confab is a collection of local chefs (who happen to be incredibly talented) and work for some of the best restaurants in San Diego. They hold quarterly themed events and make outrageous food. The event last night featured each chef teaming up with a local brewer(y) to pair courses and beers. The beers were amazing. The food was exceptional and the ambiance of a rooftop in downtown San Diego at night in August couldn’t be beat.
Lost Abbey was represented last night and we were flanked on either side by Brian Stinnott of 1500 Oceanaire and Andrew Spurgin of Water’s Fine Catering. Brian chose to pair a Duck Sausage with our Cuvee de Tomme while Andrew spent 4 days working on his Pork Belly to match the strength of the Cuvee. Both of these plates were home runs and it was a privilege to work with these guys.
Other participants last night included Stone, AleSmith, Ballast Point, Green Flash and Lightning Brewery. There were over 250 people in attendance and most seemed incredibly pleased by what they tasted. I was overwhelmed by the support of the cooking community and was pleased to meet some very influential owners and bar managers.
We at the Lost Abbey would very much like to make inroads on wine lists and finer dining establishments. Events like this go a long ways to showcase our beers to a wide range of consumers and potential markets. I spoke briefly with many of the chefs and asked them to consider an event with local beer to be added to the calendar once a year. It’s the sort of thing that we as brewers need to support and lend a helping hand to.
Last night was a permagrin night. There was so much to be thankful for. Considering the event took place about 4 blocks from where I got my start as a craft brewer, it was great to be back home. To me, last night was a seminal moment- a turn the page sort of place in time. We got the best chefs in San Diego to circle the wagons and fire up the grills. It was an all time night for our beers for sure.
Thanks to the Cook’s Confab and all the people at Stingaree who put on a great show last night. Too bad the Padres lost. Downtown would have been that much more electric.