Brew Lovers Painting Class with The Lost Abbey

Join us for a Brew Lovers Painting Class
On Thursday, June 21st at 7 p.m., gather at the PaintNVineyard studio for a night of craft brews and artistic stokes. Guests will have the opportunity to paint one of Lost Abbey’s remarkable beer labels, Red Barn Ale, while enjoying the actual brew amongst friends.

The two-hour step-by-step class, guided by PaintNVineyard’s professional instructors, will leave you with your very own creation from Lost Abbey. The actual artist of Lost Abbey’s well-known labels, Sean Dominguez, will be there to inspire your inner artist and offer tips on technique.

Come sip, cheers and paint! This class has limited seats, so reserve early. Your $37 seat will get you your canvas, paint, brushes, apron and, of course, Red Barn Ale.

The Details:

» To reserve a space: click here