Vodcast #28 Corrupted Footage

Last week, we harvested hops from a local farmer out of Fallbrook.  We had several volunteers come to the brewery and help pick hops off the vines; we had lunch, drank, beer and worked hard together.  Ryan, our Multimedia Supervisor, captured the entire event; his goal was to make a short video about the beer and the event, but something went wrong.  Come Day 1 of editing Ryan attempted to load the footage he shot on to his computer and discovered it had been corrupted.  Many more attempts were made, on a number of computers, but still the footage couldn’t be recovered.  Ryan apologizes for the mishap and has decided to explain the event and the beer for you in this video.

Vodcast #28 Corrupted Footage from The Lost Abbey on Vimeo.

Fresh Hop Estate Ale – Part Deux

Slap on your gloves and pluck some hops off the vine.


Calling all HopHeads! Monday 8/13 is “Harvest Day” for our crop of Fallbrook grown hops. We need volunteers to help pluck the vines. Lunch and Refreshment included. Must bring own leather gloves and a strong desire to reak of hop resin for days. Come join the fun!

  • What: Hop Harvest for a fresh hop estate ale
  • When: Monday, August 13, 2012 – 10:00am to WHENEVER WE’RE FINISHED
  • Where: The Lost Abbey / Port Brewing, San Marcos, San Diego County, CA
Below is a video of the making of last year’s fresh hop ale.

Fallbrook Homegrown from The Lost Abbey on Vimeo.