Vodcast #38 GABF Happenings

Before we ventured to Denver for the Great American Beer Festival this year we announced that our fellow Saint, Abbey, had gone missing.

We announced there would be a reward for the person to follow his tracks and catch him at his final destination.  Thanks to the help of Michael Kearns, and several more, he was found.  This video pertains some of his whereabouts and his finding, as well as our success that followed later at the GABF awards ceremony.



Vodcast #38 GABF Happenings from The Lost Abbey on Vimeo.

Boos n’ Brews Night 2012

It’s that time again! Sharpen your carving knife and have your pumpkin goop scooper at the ready because it’s Boos n’ Brews night at The Lost Abbey!

Boos n’ Brews Night – Oct 26 2012 6pm tp 9pm

Join us in the tasting room for fresh Port / Lost Abbey beers and whole lot of really creative pumpkin carving as we get ready to ward off the evil spritis on All Hallows Eve Wednesday. A family-friendly occassion, you can bring your own pumpkin or pick one up at the brewery!

The tasting room opens at 1pm, and the carving starts at 6pm – pumpkins are free, but in limited supply, so get there early if you’re feeling crafty with the squash. Beers are all our regular prices.

The Details:

Check out photos from our previous Boos n’ Brews Nights:




2012 Beer for Boobs Fundraiser

Port Brewing & The Lost Abbey will once again be hosting an annual Beer for Boobs fundraising event in support of the Susan G. Komen philanthropic trust and The 3 Day event to help find a cure for breast cancer.
Beer for Boobs Fundraiser


  • Friday, September 21, 2012
  • 4:00pm – 9:00pm
  • $10 gets you a commemorative Beer for Boobs pint glass and two pints of any regular Lost Abbey or Port Brewing beer on tap.

Come support the Team from White Labs as we host our annual event in support of the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure.

Who should attend:
Anyone who has breasts, knows someone who has breasts, or supports breasts in any way shape or form.

See you there!