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Carnevale di Lost Abbey Masquerade Ball – 2011
Celebrate the 2011 release of Carnevale Ale at The Lost Abbey with our famous Venetian-style Carnevale masquerade on February 26, 2010 from 7pm to 11pm.

In addition to our 20-odd taps of outstanding Port Brewing and Lost Abbey Beers (including the Great American Beer Festival Gold Medal winning Carnevale), we’ll also have great music and amazing food courtesy of our very own Venetian chef, Vincentio Marsaglia.
Beers are all regular price, but if you attend in costume (which you should, since it’s a masquerade), food and entertainment are free! Mark your calendar now and make plans to attend the fourth Carnevale di Lost Abbey!
What: 4th Annual Carnevale di Lost Abbey Masquerade
When: February 26, 7pm to 11pm
Where: The Lost Abbey, 155 Mata Way, Suite 104, San Marcos, CA 92069
For directions to the brewery or more information, please vist our Contact Page.
Want to see some photos from previous Carnevale Masquerades? Here you go:
Carnevale di LostAbbey 2010
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Carnevale di LostAbbey 2009
Carnevale di Lost Abbey 2008
Lost Abbey Pre-Stone Brunch 2010
Here are some photos from our annual brunch held the morning of Stone Brewing’s 14th Anniversary Celebration on August 21, 2010.
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2010 Pre-Stone Anniversary Brunch

It’s that time again!
Join The Lost Abbey / Port Brewing crew for our annual pre-Stone Brewing Anniversary brunch on August 21nd, 2010 from 8:30 am to 11:00 am.
We’ll be boiling, frying, griddling and baking up a hearty breakfast that includes eggs, bread, potatoes at plenty of tasty things made from pork — all of which you can wash down with our big tap list of award-winning beers.
As always, the food is free and the beer (a very reasonable) regular price. Our doors open at 8:30am to give you plenty of time to carbo-load before heading up the hill to the Stone party.
To get directions to the brewery, » click here.
Bring your appetite and see you there!