Pairings: Vol 1

Thursday’s are our favorite! We get to start thinking about the weekend and what we’re going to do, what we’re going to eat and most importantly, what we’re going to drink!

We’re going to start posting some of our favorite food/beer combos to help make those decisions easier… this week we paired a feta/fruit salad, Roquefort Cheese and Pepperoni Hot Pocket… Cheers!



Lost Abbey Fruit Sour Beers in Serious Eats

Serious Eats’ Maggie Hoffman is back this week with a review of “‘mostly” sour American fruit beers. We’re pleased to see three of our beers — Amorosa, Cuvee de Tomme and Red Poppy — among those earning a very respectable 4 plus out of 5 stars.

Serious Eats reviews American fruit sour beers
[Photo credit: Maggie Hoffman]

From the story:

Ask a beer fanatic what they’re into these days, and chances are they’ll wax poetic about sour beers.

Inspired by the puckery beers of Belgium, American brewers are playing with yeasts and bacteria and fruit like never before.

While we’re not really all that interested in who can make the sourest beer imaginable, we’re thrilled at all the great, creative options coming out of American breweries. Some of these delectable examples are juicy, zippy, and full of real fruit flavor; others are funky and horsey, quite challenging for the beginner–and sometimes thrilling to the nerdiest among us…

As you can see from the photo, the story also includes reviews of New Glarus, Captain Lawrence, Russian River, and several other breweries’ fruit brews. A great read.

» Read the rest of the story Via Serious Eats