Christmas in July Celebration & Fundraiser 2011

Our annual party to benefit the Marine Corps’ Toys for Tots Foundation!

Update (July 13, 2011): See below for updated schedule of events.

Christmas in July celebration & fundraiser for Toys for Tots
Christmas in July at The Lost Abbey!

Join us for a day of Christmastime festivities, great food, beer and music to celebrate the release of bourbon barrel-aged Santa’s Little Helper and to collect toys and cash to benefit the Marine Corp’s Toys for Tots foundation. Last year we raised over $10,000 in toys and cash donations — this year we’re trying to beat that!

Events on tap:

Beer releases:

2011 Bourbon Barrel-aged Santa’s Little Helper – 22oz bottles; Release day only: $12 ea . Regularly: $15 ea. ; 4 bottle limit. (Yes, this beer will reach our distribution network in limited quantities.)

Food & Beer:

Food – We’re doing a real Christmas meal! We’ll be serving fresh smoked turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, yams, fresh-baked rolls and dessert

On Tap – All of The Lost Abbey & Port Brewing’s regular 21 tap line-up, plus a few secret specialties (more on those as we approach the event…)


A Visit from St. Nick

Santa - yes this guy, The REAL Santa, will be on-hand for photos

Santa Claus loves to visit us while he’s on vacation in San Diego! He’ll be dropping by the brewery from 12pm – 5pm so you can get you, your friends’ and family professionally photographed with him in the Barrel Room.

Live Webcast
We’ll be doing a live web broadcast — this time from a platform high above the tasting room floor where our intrepid Anchor, Andy Killion, will cover the festivities. If you’re not able to attend, you’ll be able to watch the broadcast from your computer, tablet or smartphone via our brewcam page here*.
* Download the Ustream Smartphone app for Android and iPhone here.

Live Music
Two bands! The Firkins and The Professors

Toys for Tots toy drive and fundraiser

  • Toy Drive — Bring a new, unwrapped toy valued at $15 or more to benefit Toys for Tots
  • Giving Tree – Make an additional $15 cash donation to Toys for Tots (above & beyond the unwrapped toy) and you get to select a gift from the Christmas Tree. Gifts will include rare bottles, Port Brewing & Lost Abbey gear and tickets to our legendary Barrel Night during San Diego Beer Week.

The Details:

  • When: Saturday, July 16, 2011; 12pm to 7pm.
  • Where: The Lost Abbey/Port Brewing, San Marcos, San Diego County, CA
  • How Much: Photos with Santa, music, food and entertainment are all FREE when you bring a a new, unwrapped toy valued at $15. No toy? That’s okay. Give a $15 cash donation to Toys for Tots at the door and you’re in! (Beers are all regular price!)

Schedule of Events:
To ensure that we’re not mobbed all at once and that everyone has a chance to get their photos with Santa, enjoy the food, music and get a ticket for the Giving Tree, we’re breaking the day into two equal sessions with exactly the same stuff in both sessions. The schedule is as follows:

Session 1
(12:00pm – 3:30pm)

  • 12:00 – Doors open; Block 1 of Giving Tree Tickets available. (2 ticket max per person)
  • 12:30 – Santa Arrives for photos
  • 1:00 – Live Music: The Firkins; Food is served!
  • 2:00 – Live Music: The Professors
  • 3:00 – Giving Tree Drawing #1
  • 3:30 – Session 1 ends
Session 2
(3:30pm – 7:00pm)

  • 4:00 – Session 2 starts; Block 2 of Giving Tree Tickets available. (2 ticket max per person)
  • 4:00 – Live Music: The Firkins; Food is served!
  • 5:00 – Live Music: The Professors
  • 5:30 – Santa Departs
  • 6:00 – Giving Tree Drawing #2
  • 7:00 – Session 2 ends

You can also download a printable schedule here: Christmas in July 2011 Schedule (PDF)

Beer Release: Cuvee de Tomme

This is the release date for Cuvee de Tomme (2010 vintage).

This is a limited release and will be available in bottles directly from the brewery only.


  • Date: December 11, 2010 – 12pm – 6pm
  • Beer: Cuvee de Tomme
  • Format: 375ml cork-finished bottles
  • Price: $15/bottle
  • Max: 4 bottles per person

Standard disclaimer: this is a barrel-aged beer. As such release dates are subject to change based on the whims of the barrels.

Update 1: June 22, 2010 – Release date has been pushed back to Aug. 28, 2010.

Update 2: Aug 11, 2010 – Release date has been pushed back to Sept. 25, 2010.

Update 3: Sept. 13, 2010 – Barrels aren’t shaping up like Tomme wants, so the Cuvee release has been pushed back again.

Update 4: Oct. 13, 2010 – Great news! There’s going to be a Cuvee release after all! It will, however, be an extremely limited release and will not go into distribution. A full case count & purchase limits will be posted as soon as it’s available.

Update 5: Nov. 11, 2010: Cuvee de Tomme has been bottled but the release is being pushed to December to allow the bottles to properly condition.