Judgment Day Celebration

It’s the End of the World as we know it.

Or maybe it isn’t. Based on your personal beliefs, May 21, 2011 could be a) your ticket to heaven, b) the beginning of the end, or c) just the third Saturday in May.

Judgment Day is Upon Us
Judgment Day is Upon Us

Regardless of what happens, however, we’re hard-pressed to come up with a better way to enjoy the day than with our gold medal winning Judgment Day Belgian quad-style ale.

So all day May 21 we’ll be celebrating Judgment Day with tasting room specials, drawings and events. Here’s just a few of the things on tap for the End of Days:

  • Judgment Day Specials: Pints – $4, Growler Fills – $12, Bottles (375ml and 75ml) – 20% off
  • Prize Drawings: We’ll be holding drawings throughout the day for The Lost Abbey clothing, headwear and our cool new Lost Abbey flags
  • Costume competition: Come dressed ready for the Apocalypse (horseman, avenging angel, demon, sinner, saint — it’s up to you) and be eligible to win stuff suitable for sinners and saints alike!
  • Judgment Day Art: We’ll have the original Four Horsemen painting that is our Judgment Day label on display. Come check it out in all it’s doomsday glory.

The fun starts at 12pm and carries on until 6pm (by then we’ll probably know if the world is coming to an end or not). Admission is free and open to both Sinners and Saints alike. See you there!


Songs playing at the brewery during the event:

Highway to Hell – ACDC

Still Alive – Portal

I Just Died in Your Arms – Cutting Crew

Dead Man’s Party – Oingo Boingo

Don’t Stop Believin’ – Journey

Mad World – Tears for Fears

Save Tonight – Eagle Eye Cherry

Judgment Day – Van Halen

Semi-Charmed Life – Third Eye Blind

The Final Countdown – Europe

Waiting on the World to Change – John Mayer

We Will Become Silhouettes – Postal Service

Stayin’ Alive – Bee Gees

It’s the End of the World as We Know It – REM

The Call of the Ktulu – Metallica

The Four Horsemen – Metallica

Apocalypse Please – Muse

Everybody Wants to Rule the World – Tears for Fears

Four Winds – Bright Eyes

Fire and Rain – James Taylor

When the World Ends – Dave Matthews Band

Should I Stay of Should I Go – The Clash

God’s Gonna Cut You Down – Johnny Cash

Ring of Fire – Johnny Cash

Don’t Fear the Reaper – Blue Oyster Cult

End of the Road – Boyz II Men

Time is Running Out – Muse

I Think We’re Alone Now – Tiffany

Black Hole Sun – Soundgarden

How Am I Supposed to Live Without You – Michael Bolton

Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye – Steam

Dead – They Might be Giants

Last Dance – Donna Summer

Mona Lisa – Nat King Cole

The Winning Side – Oingo Boingo

Robots – Flight of the Conchords

I Don’t Want to Wait – Paula Cole

Nowhere to Run – Martha Reeves and the Vandellas

Thoughts of Dying Atheist – Muse

O Death – O Brother Where Art Thou

Let the River Run – Carly Simon

Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) – Green Day

Bye Bye Bye – N’Sync

Dancing in Heaven – Robert Plant

I Will Follow You Into the Dark – Death Cab for Cutie

Heaven is a Place on Earth – Belinda Carlisle

I Will Survive – Gloria Gaynor

Till the World Ends – Brittany Spears

Ride of the Valkyries – Wagner

Where Do Bad Folks Go – Nirvana

Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow – Carole King

Special Thanksgiving Week Hours

We’re pleased to announce that our tasting room will be open special extended hours this Thanksgiving week! Here they are:
Special Thanksgiving Week Tasting Room Hours

  • Monday & Tuesday – Nov. 22 & 23: Closed
    (Hey, we still have to get some important Brewery Stuff done before we start stuffing brewers)
  • Wednesday – Nov. 24: 1pm – 6pm
    Extended Hours! Drop by, have a few tasters and pick up a growler fill or a bottle or two before Turkey day.
  • Thursday – Nov. 25: Closed
    Enjoy Thanksgiving Day!
  • Friday – Nov. 26: 12pm – 9pm
    Extended Hours! Black Friday madness? No thank you. How about a nice afternoon in the Tasting Room with family and friends?
  • Saturday – Nov. 27: 12pm – 6pm
    If you’re in town for the Holiday, stop by for a tour and tasting!
  • Sunday – Nov. 28: 12pm – 5pm
    Sunday’s are pretty low key, so if you need a post relative / pre-back to work break, this is a great day to do it.

So if you’ve got family and friends in town and you want to show them a good time (or they’re driving you crazy and you need a moment of peace), drop on by this week. We’ll be happy to see you.

» Click here for driving directions
» Click here for What’s on Tap and In Bottle
» Click here for the Vintage Bottle list (changes daily)

What Beer to Have for Thanksgiving

Well, Halloween is over and it’s time to turn our attention to Thanksgiving. Coincidentally, over at Craftbeer.com, famed beer professor, author and aficionado, Randy Mosher, has a great article on beer pairings for every stage of the day long food celebration.

Randy Mosher's Thanksgiving Day Beer List

Among Mosher’s many outstanding suggestions — Judgment Day (for the wine drinkers in the family) and Old Viscosity (perfect with pie).

After you’re done reading the story you can print it and make it a holiday beverage shopping list. Even it you don’t get through the whole list on Turkey Day, you’ll be set for every holiday party and get-together from now until New Year’s Day.

You can read the story here:

Via Craftbeer.com

The New York Times…

This morning, my phone roared to life as it does each day when it awakens from a short but well deserved slumber. Google Mail alerted me that the New York Times had indeed published the article detailing our week long conversation with members of the Pagan Community. And unless you have been around the brewery for the last week, you might have missed these conversations.

You see, they started last Friday October 15th at 12:01 AM when a slew of emails hit our Lost Abbey in box.  Many of them were of the cut and past variety and they all were sent to detest our “New” Witch’s Wit label. We thought this odd since the label was first produced in 2008 and has never once inspired anyone to contact us to express their displeasure.

Turns out that recently a very famous member of the Wiccan Community “found” our beer in a store. She was immediately appalled by our use of 16th Century images featuring a Witch being burned at the stake. Blogs, Facebook and Twitter were all employed to mount an assault on our systems. An email campaign was also started and a barrage of very similar emails filled our in boxes for the duration of the weekend.

Many of these emails labeled our Marketing and PR Departments as ignorant, woman hating Cretans. Some claimed that no sane person in their right mind would use an image of a buxom Witch being burned at the stake for commercial gain.

We have a stack of emails asking whether we would show Jews being gassed or African American’s being lynched. Of course not was our reply. Others seemed to think we were responsible for recent incidents in Darfur as well. It was amazing chain of events to say the least.

Apparently, many of the emailers didn’t bother to spend time researching our branding and the positioning of our beers. In blindly denouncing our original art and the satire of our labels, most of the emailers failed to connect with our brands. Looking at these emails, it was obvious that in our desire to tell a great story, we had forgotten to get that information on our website in a meaningful way.

Sitting in my office, I can honestly say it was hard for us to see the forest from the trees.

Since day one, The Lost Abbey has been about original artwork, original beers and original back label stories tying them together. I know this because it’s been my job to develop the beer, commission the original artwork and write the back story for the label. This has been no easy task. Yet, I am very proud of our labels. They are cohesive and constantly work at pushing the boundaries of beer as art.

But we’re still missing some of the storytelling aspects on our website. So we’ll be adding this to our list of things to do in the not so distant future.

But getting back to the Pagan and Wiccan brewhaha that ensued is why I am blogging today. Sage was tasked with answering the communities and in his response he emplored the emailers to approach our beers as a collection of original artistic pieces displaying the struggle between good and evil. As soon as this email began making the rounds, some members of the pagan community responded with more positivity; others were still not placated.

Each day last week, I came to work and wanted to communicate this situation to our Lost Abbey Clergy. I felt it was important to share this with the consumers of our beers who support the artistic direction of this brand. Ultimately, I decided against it as this because I didn’t want to fan the flames of this little wildfire. This was incredibly difficult for me as I received some memorable emails and quotes like this one: “Screw you, you fat ass beer slugging alcoholic Christian Ass Hole.”

But now that the New York Times published a story in today’s paper detailing our situation with the Pagan and Wiccan communities, I typed this blog post to share my thoughts with you. Please go read the New York Times piece. Then please go read the notes I published about our Witch’s Wit Label on our website. When you’re finished, you can use this forum for comments about this beer. We’d love to hear what you have to say about this.

At this time, the only decision that has been made about this label is that we have agreed (as owners) to discuss this label controversy at our meeting in November. We remain committed to the art of story telling and using beer as our medium and hope to keep delivering more amazing beers and stories for years to come.

NOTE: We have enabled comments on this post so the subject may be discussed openly. However, comments that contain profanity or libel or personally threaten anyone — Lost Abbey employee or comment contributor — will be immediately deleted. Thanks.

Boos & Brews Night 2010

Squash! Knives! Pizza! Beer! What could be a better combination?

Boos n' Brews Night

Join us at the Lost Abbey for a night of brews, pizza and a whole lot of really creative pumpkin carving in preparation for All Hallow’s Eve on Sunday.

You can bring your own pumpkin or pick one up at the brewery!

The carving starts at 4pm and the pizzas will be here at 6pm.

Pumpkins and pizza are free, but pumpkins are limited in supply (so get there early if you’re feeling crafty with the squash).

Beers are all our regular (very reasonable) price.

The Details:

  • What: Boos n’ Brews Night at Lost Abbey
  • When: Friday, October 29, 2010 – 4pm to 9pm
  • Where: The Lost Abbey / Port Brewing
  • How Much: Free!

You Decide: Which Lost Abbey Beer should be in 375ml bottles?

As you may know, earlier this year we switched our 375ml bottles to the groovy “mini me” bottles you see in the photo here.

Which beer in 375s next?
Which beer in 375s next?

They’ve been such a big hit that we now regularly get requests to offer other Lost Abbey beers in the half-sized containers. Problem is, we don’t have enough glass to put every one of them in the smaller bottles (they come from overseas, so it takes a while to get more), so we need to pick just one beer.

Unfortunately, picking the beer has turned out to be more complicated that we thought because everybody around the brewhouse seems to have their own opinion as to which one it should be. But rather than going down our traditional dispute settlement path (we don’t need to get into specifics here, just know that it involves a pair of tongs, some dish soap and a full barrel), we’ve decided to do something new — we’re going to let you choose.

So for the first time ever, we’re opening the polls to allow you to vote on which beer we should begin packaging in 375ml as well as the traditional 750ml bottles. Take a moment to pick your favorite and we’ll announce the winner in a couple of weeks. (And don’t try stuffing the ballot box, you can only vote once.)


[poll id=”2″]

Photos from High Tide brewing weekend

Despite a couple of minor setbacks (an emergency root canal for our head brewer, and a hop truck break down that had it arrive 10 hours late) our Labor Day weekend brewing of High Tide fresh/wet-hopped IPA turned out to be a big success. The beer should be out by the end of the month and will go into our distribution network from coast to coast. In the meantime, here’s a few photos to show you what brewing a fresh-hopped IPA looks like.

[nggallery id=23]

Beer & Food: Camping with Tomme & Cooks Confab

Camp out, enjoy nature and great food & beer pairings at the Camp Confab at Suzie’s Farm in Imperial Beach. The local farm-to-table chefs of Cooks Confab have put together a fun little overnighter where you’ll get to pitch your tent, do a little camping and enjoy food fresh from the farm cooked by some of San Diego’s best chefs. Tomme will be there with some Lost Abbey brews to talk craft beer and help host the Harvest Dinner Celebration that night.

For more information on all the activities and tickets to Camp Confab, click here.

2010 Beer for Boobs Fundraiser

The Lost Abbey / Port Brewing will be hosting it’s annual Beer for Boobs fundraising event in support of the Susan G. Komen philanthropic trust and The 3 Day event to help find a cure for breast cancer.

Beer for Boobs 2010

$10 gets you you a commemorative Beer for Boobs pint glass and two pints of any Lost Abbey or Port Brewing beer on tap.

Beer for Boobs is the brainchild of our friends at White Labs who will be walking the 60 miles of The 3 Day walk for a cure in November. All proceeds from the evening will go to benefit the Susan G. Komen philanthropic trust.

Who should attend:
Anyone who has breasts, knows someone who has breasts, or supports breasts in any way shape or form.

See you there!