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Moses is a Son of a Bitch

Says me.  This past week, we receieved our labels for Ten Commandments and today, the beer is finally on sale at the brewery.  I say finally because I’ve come to conclude that Moses is an egotistical son of a bitch who never seems to be able to get in the bottle on time.  We’v been in business for three years now and in that time, we haven’t been able to get a batch of Ten Commandments to ferment the way I think it should.  However, with that being said, we actually like the way the beer tastes and remain committed to making this beer with a very fickle(read son of a bitch) strain of yeast.

Why would you keep using a yeast that is such a pain in the ass you might ask (FYI, Mike our Head Brewer keeps asking me the same question).  Well, the answer is simple.  I like the flavor of the beer the way it is brewed and until someone can prove to me that just being a son of a bitch is reason enough to ditch a yeast, I’m going to keep using it.  Last year, we brewed 4 batches of the beer and the yeast took over three months to finish what it started.  This year, I think we actually shaved about 6 weeks off of that timeline. 

You see, I imagined that Ten Commandments would be our Lost Abbey Anniversary Ale each year and that means we should release it each May.  Last year, it was August when Moses finally came off that mountain.  This year, we see him at the end of June doing his thing.  I suppose we may actually get him on schedule for next year at the rate we’re going.  Maybe, we should brew the beer in December each year to ensure that he’s ready.  Do you think he’s shy?  I can’t think so.  I mean I know the dude is old but he spoke with God himself so he’s got that going for him. Right?  Yeah that’s what I  thought to. 

This years batch of Ten Commandments is now starting to head off into distribution.  As we recently just receieved our first shipments of our new microstar kegs, you can expect to see Ten Commandments show up at better beer establishments near you in draft and bottled beer formats.  And for that, I am thankful.  Even if the dude looks like a hippy and acts like a prima dona son of a bitch from time to time.

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