4th of July Hours - 11am - 4pm || The Confessional is now closed X
  • GABF 2008

    October is one of my favorite months. I get to celebrate my birthday, attend the Great American Beer Festival and at the end of the month I get to steal mini candy bars on Halloween night after Sydney goes to bed. All in all, it’s a pretty great month. Chocolate always makes me feel better. […]

  • Hop Harvest 2008

    I’m sitting at the airport in Seattle. You see, this past week, I boarded a plane and headed for Yakima, Washington to attend the 2008 Hop School put on by our friends at Hop Union. This is the third time I have been asked to speak at the school which allows brewers to get a […]

  • Apparently Our Angel’s Speak the Queen’s English

    On Wednesday morning at 4:30 AM I was rustled from my sleep by the sound of my Blackberry roaring to life with incoming emails. Apparently, something was VERY important. Turns out, it was. I rolled over and flicked the scroll wheel of fortune on my PDA to find an email from Jolly Old England announcing […]

  • Happy Birthday America- Can I get A Stella Artois please…

    It’s the Fourth of July. I am sitting at Churchill’s Pub here in San Marcos. It’s an English Pub (so the sign says). But they also happen to serve great craft beer and their bottled beer list is unrivaled in these parts of town. It’s 11:48 in the AM and I needed a beer after […]

  • From the Dis-information department

    Memo: It’s official, we have to be the most confusing brewery on the planet. Or at least it would seem from the emails and online chatter about our beers. I posted a bunch of new information this week and sat back and watched as a bunch of postings and emails about Isabelle Proximus poured in. […]

  • Ne Goeien Saison

    I always wanted to learn how to play the guitar when I was younger. I just felt it was something that I would REALLY like to know how to do. And, I wanted to write songs. Thing is, I tried to play guitar. And I sucked at it. Chalk that up as another one of […]

  • Brouwer’s Imagination Saison

    Okay, We’re going to try to play catch up around here. It seems that I am always behind schedule with things relating to new releases and the infinite amount of new beers we seem to unleash. First things first, we have lifted the moratorium on new beers (thanks Rex). Last week, we brewed a new […]

  • Isabelle Proximus is coming!

    It’s true. Saturday June 28, 2008 Isabelle Proximus will officially go on sale at the brewery. Of all the beers that we have produced in our two and a half years in business, this one comes with the biggest expectations. It has to. It has the biggest back story of any beer we have ever […]

  • Congratulations

    This past Saturday, they announced two very important set of awards for excellence in brewing. Yesterday, we had the distinct pleasure of attending the 2nd Installment of the San Diego County Craft Brewers Festival and Competition. It was an amazing event featuring over 250 of the best beers to be poured in San Diego at […]

  • Happy Birthday Sydney (2)

    We just came off a record month for Port Brewing and The Lost Abbey. It felt great! It also means that we have a ton of brewing to do as months like April pretty much kick our collective asses. Everyone put an amazing amount of effort forward and it was rewarding to see us sell […]
