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Box Set Track 6 Releases This Saturday, June 16, 2012

Load the cooler and gas up the beast because we’re going on a roadtrip! This Saturday, June 16, 2012 we’re releasing Track 6 in our Ultimate Box Set series.

Track 6 is an ode to AC/DC’s 1979 musical monster, Highway to Hell. A Fresh Track as big and black as the AC/DC anthem, Track 6 is a blend of 2009 Bourbon Angel’s Share and Brandy barrel-aged Serpent’s Stout. At 14.3% ABV it’ll have all of your senses ringing like Angus Young’s guitar.

You’ll find the beer details (blend, ABV, liner notes, album art, etc.) on the website here. Details on the other Box Set beers can be found on the Box Set home page.

As with all Box Set releases, the beers must be consumed on site, same day. Unopened bottles may not be carried out. Each bottle is 375ml and is $15 each.

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