5 Months?

5 Months?

When we show people our Lost Abbey labels, they unanimously approve of the artistic impression that they make. Nothing makes me more proud than to hear the words “your labels are so beautiful.” It tells me that it was all worth it. And then they talk about the beer inside and I know we are on the right track. For an inspired life is a life worth living.

Starting last October, Gina, Jim, myself and Vince met every Wednesday night after work and began working on the artistic direction for the new brand. When developing a brand as rich in connotations as The Lost Abbey, everything has to be perfect. Wanting things to be “just right” required an enormous amount of energy. There were always revisions and corrections to be made- week after week. For those who care to see the process, we have archived many of the versions at our brewery and you can view them on our walls and see the progressions of our meetings.

It’s not easy to develop a new brand and identity from scratch. It’s your baby and the artistry of a label can and sometimes is the one thing that people will look at before purchasing. It has to be powerful. It needs to be approachable and ultimately, it needs to convey the spirit of the brewery. The success of brands is not by accident.

In developing The Lost Abbey, we set out to tell a story. Every brewery has its own unique story. It revolves around the same premise. There are hundreds of brewers making the best beer in the world. Many of them take the same 4 ingredients blend them together to make beer. How they tell the story of their existence determines their success in the business.

Each of our beers will tell the story of beer as art. It starts with a talented artist. His name is Sean Dominguez. You can view his work at www.artbydomo.com. Working with Sean has been tremendous. His ability to paint and sketch the visions for our beers has been first rate. As we are still developing new beers each month, we get to meet and see the artist at work. One of the best parts of the project is each month when the new art for our labels show up. There is nothing cooler than seeing an acrylic oil painting on canvas in your conference room of a beer that you have brewed. If you have visited the brewery, you probably have seen these pieces hanging from our walls.

As a writer and a creative person, I am tasked with completing the wording for the labels. In my quest to tell the story of the brewery and each beer, I am sometimes more verbose than space permits. As such, you will find only a fraction of what is known as the back story on each label. If you dig a little deeper on our website, you can read the entire back story for each beer and my inspiration for brewing the beer.

I typically write these stories at the end of the day after working in the brewery. These stories remind me that while we work in a concrete stainless jungle each day, there is a deeper connection to life found in the stories behind our beers. It is my job as a brewer to create the story of the beer in the bottle and on the label of the bottle. But most importantly, I must also find a way to make the story memorable enough that our patrons want to retell the story. Mankind’s history has been one of stories and symbols. And for many years, it was an oral history passed down from generation to generation in the form of stories. It is my hope that The Lost Abbey and our storied beers will inspire a similar oral tradition replete with rich symbols, art and tales worthy of being told and retold.

So please read along as we develop new stories for each one of our beers. I get almost as much pleasure out of writing these pieces as I do brewing. For me, they are both creative opportunities to express myself and my thoughts to The Lost Abbey faithful. If you like what you see, pass it on or drop me a line at tomme@lostabbey.com

Inspired Beers for Sinners and Saints Alike

In the beginning there was Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. They were told not to eat the fruit from the apple tree. It was off limits and the fruit was forbidden. They were tempted by the serpent and made a “choice” to eat from the tree. Their actions were not preordained but rather the actions of beings with free will.

At every fork in the road, there are signs marking the struggle of Good vs. Evil. The Lost Abbey was imagined as part of a crusade in this ongoing story of Good vs. Evil beer. Everywhere we turn these days, there is a battle being waged between those who make good beer and those who make evil beer.

Welcome to the Lost Abbey

The Lost Abbey?

Has it really been 8 years since Gina and I took that car ride to Arizona? On our way to Phoenix, she casually mentioned a restaurant and brewery concept that her brother Vince had conceived. The first time she uttered the words- “The Lost Abbey,” I just knew that one day the concept would bear my artistic brewing stamp.

Over the years, I met with Vince and discussed possibilities for the brand. In the process of having these discussions, I started working on a business plan. It wasn’t much of a business plan as I don’t crunch numbers. Still, it was a call to order for the ideas in my head that needed to get flushed out.

Sometimes, I would get incredibly busy with the business of brewing and would have to shelve the project. Other times, I was so energized that nothing else mattered. The binder (that held my notes and updates) was always with me in my back pack. When inspiration hit me, my binder was there to catalog the vision.

A little bit of history may help with this as well. I grew up Catholic and went to grade school at Blessed Sacrament Parish School and Saint Augustine High School- accepting boys and graduating men. Both of these fine institutions imbued in me the theologies of Catholicism and the tenets of Christianity. These belief systems are the basis and context from which The Lost Abbey will operate. Many of our beer names and imagery will be drawn from familiar religious texts and connotations.

“For Sinners and Saints Alike,” acknowledges that we are all the product of free will- we can make choices for ourselves. We believe that our beer is an excellent, some would say, inspired choice. Yet, we don’t pride ourselves as being Saints in the beer world. Far from it as “the sinners are much more fun…”

No matter if you fancy virtue over vice, we are here for you. Our beers will take their inspiration from Belgian brewing philosophies which champion full flavors and extol the virtues of taking the long way to get there. The truest of brewing artisans, Belgian brewing is not so much 1+2=3 as what happens if you add 1+8 and divide by three. The answer is the same the process is what is different. At the end of it all, you clearly have beer. The only difference is simple addition vs. circuitous math.

Personally, I have been re-energized by the launching of The Lost Abbey brand. I literally run out the door each day looking forward to what work affords me these days. I am living an inspired life in the brewery and it is so rewarding to have the space to translate the vision. Every faith requires at its core one simple premise. You have to believe in something. Right now, I believe in the power of this vision and the people supporting it. To those of you who have already found us. Thank you. It has been a pleasurable 6 months. If you’re new to The Lost Abbey- welcome. It is our sincerest hope that we will give you a reason to stay.