4th of July Hours - 11am - 4pm || The Confessional is open until 9:00pm X
  • I feel old today

    Sydney started pre-school today and so I’m feeling a bit old right about now. Mind you, not the my joints creak when I move sort of old and certainly not the I’m going to pop a 4 hour purple pill kind of seriously old. Yet, today Misses Piggles headed off to her first day of […]

  • Friday nights, DUI Checkpoints and .068

    When we began the process of acquiring this brewery in San Marcos some 4 years ago, I made a decision to move my family(Maureen was pregnant with Sydney and due in May of 2006) to San Marcos so that I could be closer to the brewery. We found a place that is above Cal State […]

  • Lost Abbey is “Beer Country”

    CNN.com/travel has a story today on how craft beer, like wine, is now a travel destination. Lost Abbey is one of the breweries featured. From the article: …while “all of California could be considered the state from which the innovators of craft beer came, San Diego specifically grabbed the golden ring from the merry go […]

  • Cooks Confab Wrap Up

    Last night I had the great pleasure of attending the Cook’s Confab Beer event at Stingaree Restaurant and Bar in Downtown San Diego. The Cook’s Confab is a collection of local chefs (who happen to be incredibly talented) and work for some of the best restaurants in San Diego. They hold quarterly themed events and […]

  • Christmas in July

    Here in San Diego, even when it’s supposed to be Christmas time, it rarely truly feels like Christmas.  In December each year, other parts of the country, throw on their best Christmas sweaters and sing about how the “weather outside is frightful.”  Us, we head for the beach and roast Marshmallows (not Chestnuts) by a bonfire.  Yet, […]

  • Christmas in July Party 2009

    Photos from our first annual Christmas in July (July 25, 2009) fundraiser for Toys for Tots [nggallery id=9] And photos with Santa [nggallery id=10]

  • Christmas in July Update #2

    Just a quick note to let you all know that we’ve wrapped the gifts and placed them under the Giving Tree! If you’d like to receive one of them on Saturday, we’re asking that you give a $15 donation, the proceeds of which will go to benefit the Toys for Tots Foundation. (There’s a limit […]

  • Christmas in July Update

    We’re pleased to announce that we now have a final schedule of events and full tap and bottle list for next week’s Christmas in July beer release and fundraiser. The schedule of events is as follows: 12:00pm — Tasting room opens. Bottle Sales; tasters & pint sales begin. 1:00pm — Santa Arrives; Photos with Santa […]

  • Port Brewing’s Annual Pre-Stone Anniversary Brunch

    Join the Port Brewing and The Lost Abbey crew for brunch before Stone Brewing’s 13th Anniversary Celebration on August 22nd, 2009. Naturally Chef Vince will be cooking up a hearty breakfast that includes eggs, bread, at least half a dozen things made from pork — all of which you can wash down with our big […]
