Party Central

This past weekend we celebrated our 4th Anniversary of doing business as Port Brewing and The Lost Abbey. It was a great party and a welcome change of pace from last year when we turned 3 and celebrated all day with 700 or so of our closest friends. This past weekend, we changed things up a bit and went with ticketed split sessions allowing us to control the ebb and flow that was impossible to do last year. In doing things this way, we created a much more intimate setting as we only had 350 people at each of our sessions which is WAY more manageable.

4th Anniversary Party fun
Of course it was not all roses. We had some long waits for the Pizza that were serving. And others complained Vince was supposed to be cooking. Hopefully these minor issues didn’t keep most from enjoying themselves.

I’d also like to take a moment to thank Rich from Dr. Pepper and Amy from Republic of Tea for sponsoring our designated driver hydration needs. Both of them kicked down ample non alcoholic products for the day. The Volunteer pool for this party also went above the board helping us direct traffic, move stuff and generally lay out the facilities. It was awesome to work with such a group of people. When we were finished on Saturday, I couldn’t help but think how lucky we were to have them assisting us.

Many of the attendees on Saturday walked out of here with a special 4th Anniversary t-shirt commemorating our previously detailed woes. You’ll know they were at the party when you see a beer enthusiast walking by with a giant blue and white A on the back of their tshirts. Our employees got a kick out of their new work shirts as well. The whole health department saga came to end last week on Thursday with the published article in the North County Times.

On Wednesday, I was interviewed by a miss Morgan Cook about the tasting room incident. On Thursday I took Sydney to school. On the way to school, we stopped to play a game “Let’s find daddy’s picture in the newspaper today.” It didn’t take her long as daddy’s mean mug ( I couldn’t smile for the camera man) was on the front page of the paper (above the fold no less). She smiled and I giggled about how funny I looked. She kept saying “Daddy where’s Duck Duck Gooze?” (Which by the way is her favorite artwork we have).

So we’re back to work this week at the brewery with normal business operations. Four batches of Hop 15, two Judgment Day, three Mongos and a batch of Red Barn all will hit the tanks this week. We’re also sampling Older Viscosity for blending next week. I have a pretty light schedule for the rest of the week. But this weekend, it’s back to party mode. You see, we’re celebrating Syd the kids 4th birthday this weekend on Saturday. I know Maureen never forgets it but sometimes I do. We launched a family and a brewery 10 days apart 4 years ago. So I get to celebrate two of the best things in the world each May. This Saturday, there won’t be much beer in the park. However, there will be Margaritas back at the house when it’s over. They will taste so very good.

You know what else is going to taste good? I think those new batches of Witch’s Wit and that Helles in our fermenter will taste pretty damn good this summer. There, I said it. We’re making a lager for easy drinking Saturdays at the brewery. And the Wit, well people have been waiting far too long for it to come back around. Things are always in a state of movement out here in San Marcos- thankfully so.

2 Replies to “Party Central”

  1. This Spring has really started off with a real ‘ Kick in the Ass ‘ but Cowboy Up ! Brushin off shit and dirt is what ya signed up for . Any self respectin’ Beer Wrangler is gonna find himself in a jurisdenctional predicament once in a while but what seperates the wheat and the chaffe is the way ya rub their noses in it . The Abbey is Strong .

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