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Hop 15 returns in a big way in March, 2012

The Hop Heads have spoken!

Out of just about 500 votes, nearly 90% of you wanted Hop 15 back. What’s more, most of you aren’t going to stand for this “oh it’s out there, but you can’t get it because it’s so limited.” No, you want it back in a big way – bottles and draft from coast to coast.

So that’s what you’re going to get.

Hop Bombs Away

We just got word from Production Head Honcho Gwen that the brewers will be clearing the decks at the end of this month and the first part of March to brew not one, but four – count `em, 4 – big, fat batches of Hop 15. (Some of the brewers aren’t so excited about having to make 60 trips up the brew platform — 15 hopping sessions per batch — but they could probably use the exercise anyway.)

With a run that big that means there’ll be enough to fill taps and shelves in all of our distribution regions north, south east and west!

Look for the Port Brewing fleet of hop bombers to be filling the skies over your neck of the woods in mid-to-late March.

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