The Lost Abbey “faut être deux” at World Beer Cup

Brewery grabs a gold for Carnevale and the bronze for Gift of the Magi in the French and Belgian ale categories

Call us “L’Abbaye Perdu” because the 2012 World Beer Cup was here in San Diego last week, and we walked away with not one, but two medals in the French and Belgian Ales categories. Carnevale took a gold in the French & Belgian Saison category (it also took a gold at the Great American Beer Festival in 2009 for the same), while Gift of the Magi landed a bronze in the French & Belgian Ale category.

All in all not a bad showing for a bunch of guys (and gals) from San Diego. All we have to say to our brewers is — a votre santé!

» For a full list of World Beer Cup winners, click here.

Photo galleries from World Beer Cup

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(If you like those, you might also like the photos from our Craft Brewer’s Conference week and our CBC Dinner.)

Photos from The Lost Abbey CBC Dinner

During the Craft Brewer’s Conference this year we invited a couple hundred of our closets friends to the brewery for an amazing evening of gourmet food and great beer. Here’s a few photos from the evening.

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Photos from Craft Brewer’s Conference Week 2012

The Craft Brewer’s Conference and World Beer Cup were here in San Diego last week, bringing craft brewers from around the world to town. Our intrepid shutterbug, Ryan Tillotson spent his week snapping his camera. Here’s a few of his photos from the week.

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Meet Ben Barnett aka Obi Wan

Born a Capricorn in the lovely state of Oregon, Ben Barnett’s biggest claim to fame was when he was on the show “The Bachelorette” (Monday’s on ABC). Ben only lasted through one “Group Date” after regaling everyone with the middle names of every Jedi in the Star Wars Universe. After that “Obi-Wan” discovered his love for craft beer… and Strawberry Rhubarb pie. Not sure how those are connected, but now he’s here with The Lost Abbey Family.

1. What’s your favorite Luna Bar Flavor?
Never actually tasted one, my manliness instantly turns them into Cliff Bars once I take a bite

2. You’re stranded in the desert, you’re out of water and losing your mind… what song is played inside your head?
I’m probably making my own songs up, all genres

3. When the new Madden comes out in August, which position is the created player “Ben Barnett” going to play?
Tailback and Strong Safety, the rookie out of University of Oregon is versatile and will wear the #47

4. Who’s your favorite Vice-President?
Bill Clinton clearly had the best vices… (WORD-PLAY!!)

5. How long does it take you to solve a Rubix Cube?
(Answer still pending… )

6. Apple or Android?
R2 would have looked ridiculous as an apple, gotta go with Droid

7. Ryan (or Rylan to his friends) says he’s the fastest guy in the brewery… would you agree to a public race to see who is faster?
Yes, but not for free…