Beer Release: Red Poppy 2011

The Lost Abbey will issue the 2011 release of Red Poppy Ale on February 12, 2011.

Red Poppy 2011

An award-winning Flanders-style red ale made with sour cherries and aged in French Oak barrels for a year, this limited release is one a handful of beers to receive a 99 out 100 rating by Draft Magazine.

Release details are as follows:

  • Beer: Red Poppy – Flanders-style Red Ale
  • Packaging: 375ml cork-finished bottles
  • ABV: 5%
  • Price: $15 per bottle (six bottle maximum per person)

Availability: Bottles will go into our full distribution network. Draft availability will be limited to selected venues primarily here in San Diego, CA.

UPDATE: Feb. 9, 2011
A couple of quick up dates for the Red Poppy release on Saturday.

  1. Mongo Bottles – In addition to Red Poppy, Mongo Double IPA will be available for the first time in bottle. Unlike the draft version of the beer, bottled Mongo is finished with Simcoe hops which give it a great, piney bitterness. Bottles are 22 ounce and $5.99 each (no limit).
  2. Saison Blanc – We will also be pouring samples of a pilot batch of a new beer tentatively titled “Saison Blanc”. As the name implies, it’s a light, white saison with a fresh, hoppy citrus finish. We’ll be looking for feedback on the beer. If reaction is positive we will most likely send it into distribution this summer.

Lost Abbey Open House

Take a tour of our new expansion!

If you follow our happenings, you’re probably aware that we’ve been undergoing an expansion for the last several months essentially doubling our brewery space.

Open House, Jan. 22

We built new offices, a DOBO habitat (aka, Tomme’s office), a state-of-the-art lab, brand new packaging storage, modern delivery bays, oh… and a bottling line so roomy the brewhouse boys no longer have to stand with their butts touching during bottling. (We can’t tell if they’re happy or sad about that.)

Yesterday we finally fired up the bottling line and did our first run of beer in the new space, marking the last step in our move-in. (Hooray!) To celebrate our new digs, we’re holding an Open House this Saturday. We’ll be doing tours of the new space, checking out the DOBO habitat, and talking about all the great new stuff we’ll be doing in 2011 (did we mention we just added a few hundred new barrels to our collection?). We might even put something interesting on tap…(hint, hint).

The Open House will be all day during normal tasting room hours, so make sure to drop by and check it out!

Click here for directions to the tasting room

Carnevale di Lost Abbey Masquerade Ball – 2011

Celebrate the 2011 release of Carnevale Ale at The Lost Abbey with our famous Venetian-style Carnevale masquerade on February 26, 2010 from 7pm to 11pm.

Carnevale di Lost Abbey Masquerade

In addition to our 20-odd taps of outstanding Port Brewing and Lost Abbey Beers (including the Great American Beer Festival Gold Medal winning Carnevale), we’ll also have great music and amazing food courtesy of our very own Venetian chef, Vincentio Marsaglia.

Beers are all regular price, but if you attend in costume (which you should, since it’s a masquerade), food and entertainment are free! Mark your calendar now and make plans to attend the fourth Carnevale di Lost Abbey!


What: 4th Annual Carnevale di Lost Abbey Masquerade
When: February 26, 7pm to 11pm
Where: The Lost Abbey, 155 Mata Way, Suite 104, San Marcos, CA 92069

For directions to the brewery or more information, please vist our Contact Page.

Want to see some photos from previous Carnevale Masquerades? Here you go:

Carnevale di LostAbbey 2010

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Carnevale di LostAbbey 2009

Carnevale di Lost Abbey 2008

Beer Release: Angel’s Share (Brandy) 2011

This is the release date for The Angel’s Share 2011 – Brandy Barrel-aged

Release details:

  • Format: 375ml cork-stoppered bottle
  • Price: $15 each
  • Limit: no limit

This is a general release beer and will reach our national distribution network.