Lost Abbey Fruit Sour Beers in Serious Eats

Serious Eats’ Maggie Hoffman is back this week with a review of “‘mostly” sour American fruit beers. We’re pleased to see three of our beers — Amorosa, Cuvee de Tomme and Red Poppy — among those earning a very respectable 4 plus out of 5 stars.

Serious Eats reviews American fruit sour beers
[Photo credit: Maggie Hoffman]

From the story:

Ask a beer fanatic what they’re into these days, and chances are they’ll wax poetic about sour beers.

Inspired by the puckery beers of Belgium, American brewers are playing with yeasts and bacteria and fruit like never before.

While we’re not really all that interested in who can make the sourest beer imaginable, we’re thrilled at all the great, creative options coming out of American breweries. Some of these delectable examples are juicy, zippy, and full of real fruit flavor; others are funky and horsey, quite challenging for the beginner–and sometimes thrilling to the nerdiest among us…

As you can see from the photo, the story also includes reviews of New Glarus, Captain Lawrence, Russian River, and several other breweries’ fruit brews. A great read.

» Read the rest of the story Via Serious Eats

Santa Photos from Christmas in July 2010

Ever since we found out that Santa is a big fan of The Lost Abbey (and that he has a vacation condo here in San Diego), we’ve been able to persuade him to turn out in the red suit to take photos with the folks attending our Christmas in July fundraiser and celebration. Of course, Santa demands the best, so we also convince famed-photographer Jon Schulz to step away from the supermodels, rock stars and professional athletes for a day and help us out.

Take a gander below at the photos this year’s visit from St Nick. (Sure, a few of the people haven’t sat with Santa in a while — for some, a long while — but the results are always entertaining.)

Oh, and if your picture appears here, feel free to download it and use it.

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Christmas in July 2010 Photos

We celebrated Christmas in July this past Saturday (July 24) with the release of barrel-aged Santa’s Little Helper and a fundraiser to benefit the Marine Corp’s Toys for Tots foundation.

The weather was perfect, the bands were great, the food was outstanding and everyone who attended was fantastic! We raised an estimated $7,500 in toys and cash donations — so many toys, in fact, that our Marine Corp representative, Sgt. Onsey, had a heck of a time to getting all the toys into the truck back to Camp Pendleton.

Everyone who attended can be happy in knowing that they’ve helped to make a kid’s Christmas a special one this year. Thanks to all who participated and made this the event it was!

Here is the photo gallery from Christmas in July 2010 (Photos with Santa will be available soon):

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2010 Pre-Stone Anniversary Brunch

Beer and Breakfast! What's not to like?

It’s that time again!

Join The Lost Abbey / Port Brewing crew for our annual pre-Stone Brewing Anniversary brunch on August 21nd, 2010 from 8:30 am to 11:00 am.

We’ll be boiling, frying, griddling and baking up a hearty breakfast that includes eggs, bread, potatoes at plenty of tasty things made from pork — all of which you can wash down with our big tap list of award-winning beers.

As always, the food is free and the beer (a very reasonable) regular price. Our doors open at 8:30am to give you plenty of time to carbo-load before heading up the hill to the Stone party.

To get directions to the brewery, » click here.

Bring your appetite and see you there!

Cuvee de Tomme in Esquire

Cuvee de Tomme is looking both Rico and Suave in today’s Esquire Magazine blog Eat Like a Man.

Cuvee de Tomme at Esquire.com

From the article:

Does your lady drink more Chardonnay than IPA? Try converting her – gently – with these crossover brews: They’re smooth Belgian-style ales with hardly any bitterness but a ton of luscious flavor. Oak barrels (and the microorganisms living within their wooden walls) mellow out the beer and make it taste like nothing you’ve ever tried before.

» Read the rest of the story
Esquire’s Eat Like a Man blog

Christmas in July Guest List Registration

Have a Pint with Santa and help support Toys for Tots

In order to keep things comfortable in the brewery at our 2010 Christmas in July celebration and fundraiser we’re limiting each session to a maximum of 300 people. As a result, we’re asking folks who are planning on attending to RSVP by adding themselves to our guest list.

Getting on the guest list is easy. Just complete the form below, choosing your session and how many people will be in your party. Once you’ve completed the form your name will be added to the guest list for the session you selected.

(NOTE: Yes, it will still be possible to get into the event if you’re not on the guest list, so long as there’s fewer than 300 people registered for that session. However if we reach capacity, priority will be given to those on the list. As such, it’s in your best interest to do so.)

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Last “Angel” Bartender in North America

Back on July 9, 2010 we had a send-off party for one of our beloved bartenders, Stephanine (aka: “Jeff”), who was getting married the following week and, admirably, had remained true to her Catholic beliefs. We invited people to the brewery to take their photo with her, and if they chose, make a small contribution to her honeymoon fund. The results were very entertaining. Check it out.

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Serious Eats: A Pint With Tomme Arthur

Serious Eats‘ Maggie Hoffman ran an interesting interview with Tomme Arthur today. If you’d like some insight into The Tomme’s style and personal philosophy, it’s a definite “must-read”.

Tomme Arthur in Serious Eats

From the article:

Where do you get your brewing inspiration? Inspiration is a crazy thing. Obviously the bulk of it comes from exploring new flavors. It might be a bottle of beer a friend made. It could be an experience in a Belgian cafe. Other times, I might draw my inspiration from conversations with other brewers or even chefs. Ultimately what it comes down to is that my attention gets focused on creating (or recreating) certain flavors in our beers. How we get there is partly due to inspiration and how well I use my imagination.