Libri Divini – December, 2009

Divine Words | Volume 1, Issue 4

Special New Year’s Weekend Tasting Room Hours

Greetings Faithful ones. Just a brief newsletter to let you know our special extended tasting room hours for the New Year’s holiday weekend.

Dec 31 (Thu) – 12pm to 4pm
We’ll be open for growler fills, bottle sales and tastings in advance of New Year’s Eve celebrations. Make sure to drop in and pick up a bottle of Inferno so you’ve got something good to pop at midnight and drink to the new year (and new decade).

Jan 1 (Fri) – 2pm to 8pm (extended hours)
New Year’s Day we’ll be opening a couple of hours early so you can enjoy a few tasters and/or pints while watching the big bowl games. The Rose Bowl (and BCS Championship game) kicks off with Oregon and Ohio State at 2pm; the Cotton Bowl features Cincinnati and Florida at 5:30pm.

Jan 2 (Sat)– 12pm to 5pm
Saturday we’re back to normal hours. It’s supposed to be 80 degrees and sunny, so it’ll be a beautiful day to drop in and hoist a pint to those who are fortunate enough to get snow and freezing weather rather than being forced to endure our San Diego winters.

Jan 3 (Sun) – 12pm to 4pm
Sunday we’ll be watching the Pittsburgh Steelers take on the Miami Dolphins first. Both teams still have a (long) shot at a wild card playoff slot, so it should be a good game. Later we’ll be tuning in to watch our Chargers take on the Washington Redskins. The Chargers have already nabbed their playoff spot and get to take wild card week off, so it’s the last time we’ll see them for a couple weeks.

Hope you can drop by. Happy holidays from all of us at Port Brewing and The Lost Abbey, and best wishes for the coming new year!

Christmas is coming…I asked Santa for a Hood and Wire Unit.

It’s Monday of Christmas week. It’s finally here! I’m sitting at my desk staring at the box with Sydney’s new Princess Scooter in it. I need to put it together. It’s pretty much the only thing she asked Santa for this year. As I stare at the box, I am reminded that there are a bunch of kids out there who have asked Santa for presents this year and may not get anything. It’s enough to make a grown man cry.

Somedays, I am reminded of how blessed we are at Port Brewing and The Lost Abbey. Last night, we held our Chirstmas Party for our employees and their families. It was a chance to reflect on where we have been and to give them hope for the places and direction we wish for in 2010. All told it was a great evening. Vince cooked. We drank and there was even festive music in the background. It was a great way to start this Christmas week.

This Christmas week is very exciting for me. First, I am happy as a pig in you know what since it looks like the new cold box I asked Santa to bring me for Christmas will finally be completed. At over 1200 square feet, it will triple the size of our old unit and make things so much easier on the distribution side. I’m thankful(and so is David) that our warehouse will also stop looking like a bomb exploded in there. For the past two months, we have been storing all manner of kegs, barrels, bottles and cold box parts waiting for the new unit to be completed. Now that it’s done, we can all breath a sigh of relief.

As part of the cold box expansion, we’re also going to finish our new Hot Box for Bottle Conditioning. This will give us much better consistency. In terms of our process, this is one area we have been negligent as the weather in San Diego is pretty stable year round. However, we are entering that time of the year when the warehouse stays a bit cooler than ideal and as such, we need this warm room.

I’m also thankful that our new custom 375 ml bottles have arrived from China. This new bottle mold(that we’re sharing with Russian River and North Coast Brewing Company) is a proprietary shape and will give us better flexibility to ship our small batch beers all over this great country. Look for 2009 Angel’s Share Brandy Barrel to hit the shelves as our first release. Last week, we packaged 800 cases of the beer and it’s conditioning as we speak. These bottles were run on our New Bottling Line and the process went incredibly well. We also have run cork finished Judgment Day and Gift of the Magi bottles on the line with no issues. It’s nice to know that the only piece missing is a wire hood unit that can keep up. Santa can I get one of these for Christmas too?

Lastly, many of you were with us for Christmas in July. I know because we have all these amazing pictures of our patrons sitting with St. Nick. They’re some of my favorite pictures around the brewery. They also remind me that we’re about to make a difference in some young lives this weekend. As many of you recall we donated a ton of presents to the Toys for Tots Foundation back in August. This Christmas (because of your generosity) smiles all over San Diego will break out. And that my friends is the spirit of Christmas. Now, if you’ll excuse me. I have some princesses who require my attention.

Holiday Tasting Room Hours

We’re pleased to announce extended tasting room hours for the holidays! For the weeks of Christmas and New Years, our hours will be as follow:

Special Holiday Tasting Room Hours:

Christmas Week

  • Dec 23 (Wed) – 12pm to 4pm
  • Dec 24 (Thu) – 12pm to 4pm
  • Dec 25 (Fri) – Closed
  • Dec 26 (Sat) – 12pm to 5pm
  • Dec 27 (Sun) – 12pm to 4pm
New Year’s Week:

  • Dec 31 (Thu) – 12pm to 4pm
  • Jan 1 (Fri) – 2pm to 8pm (extended hours)
  • Jan 2 (Sat)– 12pm to 5pm
  • Jan 3 (Sun) – 12pm to 4pm

You can read all the details about our newly re-modeled tasting room right here, get directions, etc. right here.

We also have this week’s Vintage Bottle list here.

Vintage Bottles at the New Tasting Bar

Along with the opening of our new tasting room and bar, we’re please to announce the launch of our Vintage Beers List, a rotating collection of rare and unusual Port Brewing and Lost Abbey beers available by the bottle during tasting room hours.

Each week we’ll dig into the archives and pull out a limited selection of bottled rarities, magical one offs, and legendary vintages for exclusively for sale — and consumption — in our new tasting room. For most selections, a total of 12 bottles will be available for purchase over the course of the weekend’s public tasting hours.

Our first Vintage Bottle List kicks off this Friday, December 11, 2009 at 4 pm.

Here’s what will be available:

vintage bottle list

December 11 – December 13, 2009

Beer Vintage Size Price
Amazing Grace 2007 750 ml $35
Brother Levonian 2009 750 ml $12
Cuvee de Tomme 2007 375 ml $40
Cuvee de Tomme 2008 375 ml $25
Cuvee de Tomme 2009 375 ml $15
Duck Duck Gooze 2009 750 ml $40
Gift of the Magi 2007 750 ml $18
Gift of the Magi 2008 750 ml $15
Gift of the Magi 2009 750 ml $12
Isabelle Proximus 2007 750 ml $50
Ne Goeien 2007 750 ml $12
Older Viscosity 2008 375 ml $18
Older Viscosity 2009 375 ml $15
Red Poppy 2008 375 ml $20
Red Poppy 2009 375 ml $15
Saint’s Devotion 2008 750 ml $15
Santa’s Little Helper 2006 220z $12
Santa’s Little Helper 2007 220z $10
Santa’s Little Helper 2008 220z $8
Santa’s Little Helper 2009 220z $6
Santa’s Little Helper – Full Flight All 22 oz $32
Second Anniversary 2008 22oz $8
Signature Ale 2007 750 ml $12
Sinner’s Blend 2008 375 ml $30
Ten Commandments 2007 750 ml $18
Ten Commandments 2008 750 ml $15
Ten Commandments 2009 750 ml $12
The Angel’s Share (brandy) 2006 750 ml $55
The Angel’s Share (brandy) 2008 375 ml $15
The Angel’s Share (bourbon) 2009 375 ml $15
The Angel’s Share (bourbon) 2009 750 ml $30
Veritas 003 2007 750 ml $50
Veritas 004 2008 750 ml $40
Yellow Bus
(Includes two Lost Abbey Rastal Crystal Tumblers)
2007 750 ml $75

Bottle purchases are for brewery tasting room consumption only and limited to stock on hand

» Printable List: Port Brewing / The Lost Abbey Vintage Beer List – December 11 – 13, 2009 (Acrobat PDF)

Mutineer Magazine, Lost Abbey and Limited Beer

mutineer-2009-11Mutineer Magazine’s Brian Kropf pays homage to rare beers and the people who love them in a story in the November/December issue titled LTD. – 19 Limited Release Beers.

A profile of some of America’s (and the world’s for that matter) most difficult to acquire beers, among the beverages featured are Lost Abbey’s über-rare Sinners Blend and Port Brewing’s bourbon barrel-aged lubricant, Older Viscosity.

The article begins:

It’s 7 A.M. and the sun is just starting to peek its head out over the tall buildings of the urban landscape. The streets are quiet, and most people are still in bed, yet there is a line of people half a block in length stretching down the sidewalk. One might assume that this is a line for the newest video game console or concert tickets. But it isn’t. The people in this line are fine beverage fanatics waiting to buy limited release beer.

You can read the rest of the story in the November / December issue of Mutineer Magazine, on sale at newsstands now.

» Click here to visit Mutineer Magazine’s website

Lost Abbey gets 2 on Wine Enthusiasts’ Top 25 beers for 2009

Wine Enthusiasts' Top 25 Beers for 2009
Wine Enthusiasts' Top 25 Beers for 2009

Wine Enthusiast Magazine has published its list of the top 25 beers of 2009. We’re please to find two Lost Abbey beers — Cuvee de Tomme and Duck Duck Gooze — made the list, both with excellent ratings of 93 out of 100. Along with our neighbor and good friend Stone Brewing, we’re the only breweries to have two beers on the list (the Stone-Nonge-Jolly Pumpkin collaboration, Special Winter Ale, and Vertical Epic 09.09.09 both scored very solid 92’s).

Here’s a selection from the Cuvee review in the article:

…A ton of things going on in the mouth: flavors of bourbon, sour cherry, coffe cream, walnut and more balanced by appropriate acidityto counter the weight and heft of the flavor profile. An infinite finish with minimal carbonation and high abv makes this an ecellent sipper to be shared among good friends or stored in the cellar for years to come.

You can read the full article on the Wine Enthusiast website here (PDF file, via

The print issue should be on newsstands shortly.